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Topic: What is the default modulation wheel setting? (Read 3803 times) previous topic - next topic

What is the default modulation wheel setting?

I'm trying to set my music back to its original modulation wheel setting after using the modulation wheel, but cannot figure out what it is. It does not appear to be 64.

Re: What is the default modulation wheel setting?

Reply #1

It may not seem like it, but it is 64.  All the values are 64, with time resolution a quarter and sweep resolution 1.
MusicJohn, 2/Mar/13

Re: What is the default modulation wheel setting?

Reply #2
With 64 though, there is most definitely still some vibrato going on that wasn't there before.

I know the default dynamic level is somewhere around 100 or so, so 64 shouldn't be the default for all of them.

Re: What is the default modulation wheel setting?

Reply #3
NWC doesn't change the Mod Wheel except via MPC. You can verify this by looking at a MIDI file produced by NWC. If you don't use an MPC, the Mod Wheel setting is defined by the synth.

The default note velocity is 110. This is between ff (108) and fff (127). So ff is closest. If you want to return exactly to the startup note velocity, put a dynamic in before the first note and then return to that dynamic.
Registered user since 1996

Re: What is the default modulation wheel setting?

Reply #4

   Hmmm.  Interesting.  It is a fact - see above - that for a new staff the default volume is 110, as Rick says, BUT the default MPC volume is set at 64.  So maybe I was wrong!

   And ... on a different but possibly related subject, whenever I've used tremelo strings (#45) and then changed back to ordinary strings (#49), for some bars after it always seems to me that the strings are in fact still tremelo!

   MusicJohn, 2/Mar/13

Re: What is the default modulation wheel setting?

Reply #5
for a new staff the default volume is 110, as Rick says
The default note velocity is 110.

In regard to your strings, the patch in effect for a note is fixed when the note on is issued. It does not change for that note if a new patch is sent while it is sounding. If the sustain pedal is engaged, the note sounds until the sustain pedal is released.

Here, the flute and string patches are sounding together on the same channel:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|Instrument|Name:"String Ensemble 1"|Patch:48|Pos:8
Registered user since 1996


Re: What is the default modulation wheel setting?

Reply #6
What? The default modulation wheel setting?
The default modulation wheel setting is zero, i.e. no modulation!

Of course, if "back to its original modulation wheel setting" means something else then we're not talking about the default setting.

Then I completely missed what note velocity has to do with it...