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Topic: Printing Title Info on a Separate Page (Read 7424 times) previous topic - next topic

Printing Title Info on a Separate Page

How can I get parts with an even number of pages to properly format (on a duplex printer) when I use a word processor to print a special title page, and print page 1 of the music on the back; so that the even and odd pages (of the actual music) print "Front/Back" instead of "Back/Front".  Put another way, is there a simple way to put a completely blank page as the first page of music, or do I have to do a "Cluge Fix" by scaling up the title page font sizes large enough to force a page break and pasting the real title page over that?

Re: Printing Title Info on a Separate Page

Reply #1
Printing a blank page directly - No.

I generally set up a Title Page/Blank page on a word processor and print that to PDFCreator and use the "collect" function.  Then I print from NWC to PDFCreator using the "collect" function as well.  After that I merge the collected files in PDFcreator and print that.

I always get excellent results that way.

Re: Printing Title Info on a Separate Page

Reply #2
I wouldn't call it easy, but this may work:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Open (hidden)
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Open (hidden)|Visible:N
Staff:Bottom needs to be hidden while editing and "visible" while printing.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Printing Title Info on a Separate Page

Reply #3
Dear Melismata and Rick:

Thank you for the PDF idea and script - I think I have a "Merge PDF Files" program somewhere so I will try that one first.

Maybe a "Bug Fix" in the next update can be a checkbox that pre-pends a blank title page so printer drivers automatically generate the correct pagination in duplex mode.  (The actual title page would be created on a word processor) Just my 2¢.



Re: Printing Title Info on a Separate Page

Reply #4
Maybe a "Bug Fix" in the next update can be a checkbox that pre-pends a blank title page so printer drivers automatically generate the correct pagination in duplex mode.  (The actual title page would be created on a word processor) Just my 2¢.

Actually this already exists.  From the Page Setup menu in NWC you can define what page number printing should start with, provided that it is 1 or greater.  This means that you can start page numbering on 2, 3, 4 etc.  Combined with blank pages,  I think that you can easily achieve what you desire.

Re: Printing Title Info on a Separate Page

Reply #5
Hi Melismata,
Omar's real problem is getting NWC to throw the first printed page as a blank so when duplex printing the title page is one side and the real first page (the one with music) is the second side of the first leaf.

Hey Omar,
Melismata's suggestion did spark a thought though:
  • Print pages 2 to the end duplex
  • Print page 1 as a single page
  • Print required title information on the other side of the already printed page 1

Of course, this means re-feeding one page.

Otherwise, creating a PDF and adding the title page to it is the only other suggestion I have, unless you have a fancy printer driver that allows throwing a page or joining print jobs...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Printing Title Info on a Separate Page

Reply #6
PDFReDirect, which I believe is still freeware, allows merging .pdf files on the fly. You can print your title page to .pdf, then print your .nwc file and merge it to the title page in a single operation. Just two printing steps overall. You can continue printing/merging other .nwc files into the same file, again as single operations, and come up very quickly with a multimovement work presented as a single file, complete with title page and any other front matter or other non-nwc material you might want to add (dedication, etc). I would find it very difficult to function without that any more.

Re: Printing Title Info on a Separate Page

Reply #7
Here is a variation using a Top Control Staff. There is still a potential problem that the page numbers may end up in the gutter instead of the outside edges.
Registered user since 1996