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Topic: Note Worthy composer 2 (Read 3805 times) previous topic - next topic

Note Worthy composer 2

Could someone please advise me?  I purchased NWC2's use, believe it or not for one time use. I am to play harmonica along with a live singer and the sound track.  I changed the song key to "G" and all plays great.

The problem is: 
There are 3 verses along with chorus.
Only two verses play.

Note Worthy Support told me that "You just need to change the local repeat count from 2 to 3."

I don't know how and I don't have a keyboard.  What can I do?



Re: Note Worthy composer 2

Reply #1
You need to say how the verses end. Do they end with a master repeat bar line. Or do they end with a local repeat bar line.

If the barline at the end of the verses is a local repeat, it may have a number in brackets above the bar line. To alter this, highlight the bar line and then press ALT and ENTER. You will then see a repeat count box. Change this from 2 to 3 and press OK.

If it is a Master repeat then you will need to use special endings  with the master repeat bar. Note that if you have a master repeat bar and no special ending, then you would get a repeat of only 2.

Go to immediately after the previoy bar line and then press the letter S.  Select 1 and 2 for the special endings. This will now repeat a further time. You may need to alter the position of the special ending to suit the soneg but I hope this gives you an idea of what to do.


Re: Note Worthy composer 2

Reply #2
A couple of ways to repeat a section 3 times:
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