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Topic: Lyrics Placement (Read 6062 times) previous topic - next topic

Lyrics Placement

I have a song that has an instrumental intro, then after the master repeat open, the verse begins, and of course the lyrics should start there as well.  When I use the Ctrl-L lyrics command, the words always start at the instrumental intro.

Is there a way to force the lyrics to start in the proper place?

Re: Lyrics Placement

Reply #1
Two ways:
1) highlight the notes that should NOT have lyrics and press <Alt>+<Enter> to get to the properties dialogue, select the Notes tab and then select Never in the "Lyric syllable" list box at centre right of the dialogue.

2) put a heap of under scores separated by spaces at the start in the lyric window - one for each note that should not have a lyric syllable attached.

Method 1) is best for intro's, method 2) is usually best within a song if you have multiple verses that have different syllabic meter.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Lyrics Placement

Reply #2
Thanks Lawrie,
Method 1) is new to me, and will be a great help.

I've used Method 2) for intros. It works.
(One has to remember to keep "Underscore shown as a space"  Checked / active
otherwise the underscores show in the preview and presumably would print as well.)