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Topic: Reassigning channel 10 (Read 4392 times) previous topic - next topic

Reassigning channel 10

Is there a way of reassigning General Midi channel 10 to use the standard instrument patches (instead of the percussion patches)?

Re: Reassigning channel 10

Reply #1
The Midi Mapper allows you to reassign channels - certainly Win 3.1 MM did - You can edit the direction of channels to whatever device you like.
Cakewalk lets you redefine tracks, channels and instruments.

I guess you're using a later version of Windows but check out the User Tips - I have one in there about re-assigning the drum map so you can write your drums as notation and play it back as drum sounds. I used channel 16 for the drums.

I've tried IDEF Edit but haven't had success with it - if you get lucky tell me how.
The Drumkit package on my web site contains some stuff that may be of interest check it out.

Re: Reassigning channel 10

Reply #2
Hm... I'm actually trying to go the other way. I'm working on a piece that doesn't have drums, and it would be nice to have one more channel for "other stuff" (actually, timpani, which even though it's technically a drum, it's mapped in the standard GM map). My soundcard allows enough tracks, but I'd like to keep the file compatible with synths/soundcards that only allow sixteen tracks.

You've given me some tips to play with, though. And no, I'm not using a later version of Windows, I'm quite happy with 3.11...

Re: Reassigning channel 10

Reply #3
Some higher end synthesizers allow some control like this, but it would depend on your equipment. On most sound cards, channel 10 will play drum sounds, and cannot be altered. You also run into max simultaneuous notes as an issue when looking for more channels...

Re: Reassigning channel 10

Reply #4
Fred - I don't know which sound card you use but you could use the GS orchestral drum set (program 48 from memory) - in another bank but on channel 10.
That has a wide range of pitched tymps.

Re: Reassigning channel 10

Reply #5
Actually I have a Yamaha XG daughterboard on a "SB compatible" main board. So there's no problem getting lots of sounds, polyphony, etc. as long as I use _my_ card.

NWC Support's answer confirmed what I had feared. I can't use channel 10 for anything except drums if I want the resulting files to remain compatible on other GM devices...
(part of the GM definition....) Oh, well. Did a workaround by doubling two similar instruments on one track.

Thanks all.