Editing already existing notes for duration etc.. 2011-01-14 06:46 PM Reading the help it sometimes sounds to me I can modify a note , rest or w.h.u already in the staff ,after selecting it, instead of delete and write again.This doesn't happen. Have I read it wrong? Quote Selected
Re: Editing already existing notes for duration etc.. Reply #1 – 2011-01-14 06:55 PM https://forum.noteworthycomposer.com/?topic=343.0, for example. Quote Selected
Re: Editing already existing notes for duration etc.. Reply #2 – 2011-01-14 06:55 PM Yes, you can. Highlight the note and then pressone of the numeric keys 1 to 6.or press the full stop to add a dotted note or again for a double dot. Quote Selected
Re: Editing already existing notes for duration etc.. Reply #3 – 2011-01-14 07:47 PM You can also modify duration by highlighting a note and pressing the plus key on your keyboard (doubles the duration - from a quarter to a half, for instance) or the minus key (cuts the duration in half). For the full range of alterations possible to a note (or anything else in the score), highlight it and press <alt><enter> to bring up the Properties dialog box. Quote Selected