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Topic: Combining separately created files for one piece. (Read 3595 times) previous topic - next topic

Combining separately created files for one piece.

I made the mistake of writing a little piece for clarinet and piano in three separate files, one for each movement.
Now I want them to appear consecutively on the same single score and then some adjustments will be necessary at the ends and beginnings.
Any ideas of doing this easily?

Re: Combining separately created files for one piece.

Reply #1
I think I would simply open the first movement, perform a "Save As" to a new name, then open the second movement (without closing the first one) and copy each part of the second to the end of the corresponding part in the first, then close the second, open the third and do the same.  Now save the updated first and voila, a combined file.

To highlight each part quickly is easy:
for each part/staff press <Home><Shift+End><Ctrl+C>
then <Ctrl+Tab> to go to the next file/window,
locate the destination staff, press <End><Ctrl+V>
then <Ctrl+Tab> to get to the next file/Window (this is why you only have 2 open at a time as it will function as a toggle between the files)
and repeat for the next part/staff.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Combining separately created files for one piece.

Reply #2
Or to highlight each part, one can just right click on it and choose "select all".

Re: Combining separately created files for one piece.

Reply #4
Thanks  gents for the useful info