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Topic: Help: Splitting Piano Parts at mC (Read 3285 times) previous topic - next topic

Help: Splitting Piano Parts at mC

I've tried all I can, read the help (I'm sorry it didn't help), tried all different options/settings with the import tab but I can't do it.

I want to split a piano track at middle C, where notes above mC go in the treble clef, and the notes mC and below go in a bass clef.

I've tried editing the track import settings, C0 to C3 in the top track, and C3# to C10 in the top track, and it doesn't work. It either doesn't split it in the right place or it sticks it all on the top staff with a bass clef.

I need help; I admit I'm a bit stupid but I don't ask for much.

Help me please! (I need to split it there because I am trying to learn to read my music via staves)

I'm using NT4 and 32bit ver 1.50.


Re: Help: Splitting Piano Parts at mC

Reply #1
You're nearly there, you've just got the coding wrong. C0 is the lowest note and G10 the highest (don't ask me why the menus are upside down! ;-). Middle C is C5. So, your top staff should be C5 through G10 and your bottom staff should be C0 through B4. At step 3 in the import wizard edit the starting entry with the upper range, then add a new entry and fill in the lower range.
This will put middle C and above into the top staff and notes below middle C into the bottom staff. Note that you can overlap the ranges so some notes are placed in both staves.

Hope this helps...

Re: Help: Splitting Piano Parts at mC

Reply #2
It sounds like the MIDI material that you are importing may all be between C0 and C3, thus causing the behaviour that you describe. There are two things to try:

1 - Decrease the "Maximum single track chord size" to a lower number

2 - Try a different split point

If you can get NWC to split your track using step number 1, then you can look at the resulting import instruction to determine the precise picth range that appears in the MIDI track. Once you know this, you can create different import instructions for the two staves that you want to create from the single track. If they both appear in bass clef, then you can change one of them to treble using the procedure in

See also:,,,

Re: Help: Splitting Piano Parts at mC

Reply #3
Thankyou! It worked PERFECTLY!