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Topic: Has anyone gotten 1.7 to install on Windows 7? (Read 26821 times) previous topic - next topic

Has anyone gotten 1.7 to install on Windows 7?

I've been playing with all the windows 7 compatibility settings (going back to Windows 98 setting) to try to get the 1.7 installer to run, with no luck.  Has anyone successfully done this?  It ran fine on a windows 2000 machine.


Re: Has anyone gotten 1.7 to install on Windows 7?

Reply #1
I have version 1.75c running on Windows 7 64 bit without problems.
I do not have any compatibility issues. There is nothing set in the compatibility tab and it is not running under any priveledge level.

I do not recall any issue when I installed it.  The installation must have been from a CD with subsequent web updates. Looking at my downloads folder, I must have ugraded from 1.75a to 1.75c.

Hope this helps.

Re: Has anyone gotten 1.7 to install on Windows 7?

Reply #2
good info - thanks

After installing the font from the cd, I could run the nwc.exe directly from the cd, so I think it's something with the setup.exe.  So, I imagine I can get it going.

I went ahead and upgraded to 2.1, anyway.  Good use of $15, imo.

Re: Has anyone gotten 1.7 to install on Windows 7?

Reply #3
I went ahead and upgraded to 2.1, anyway.

For info.

As well as 1.75c, I also have 2.1 and the viewer all running comfortably without issue on W7 64 bit.
