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Topic: Why can't I have a stem up beam with this ? (Read 4927 times) previous topic - next topic

Why can't I have a stem up beam with this ?

As the title says, why can't I have a stem up beam with this combination ?

When beaming the two together, NoteWorthy insists that the beam will be in the downwards direction and I have been unable to get an upwards beam.

Code: [Select · Download]

Yes I can do what I want with layering, I know - but surely an upwards beam should be possible?

Re: Why can't I have a stem up beam with this ?

Reply #1
G'day Rich,
this works, but the augmentation dots are on the other notes in the chord - which just happens to fit the rest of the bar...
Code: [Select · Download]

Are you sure there isn't an error in the transcription?
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Why can't I have a stem up beam with this ?

Reply #2
Don't think so - there are quite a few examples.

See pic.

If I try to beam your example the other way - it won't.  It would seem that dotted notes within a chord will prevent a beam in that direction .

Re: Why can't I have a stem up beam with this ?

Reply #3
Technically, you are missing a rest but it is one that printers often skip.

Some of NWC2's little rules:
  • Dur: must be less than or equal to Dur2:
  • Only Durs: can be beamed   More rules available on request™  :)

For Staff Size: 16pt, set User1 to: NWCSTDA, 20pt and try:
|Text|Text:"  z"|Font:User1|Pos:9|Justify:Center|Placement:AtNextNote
Yet another reason why the SysFont should always be available as a properly scaled text object Font.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Why can't I have a stem up beam with this ?

Reply #4
Thanks Rick

Your reproduction of the rules has explained why I have the problem and as usual, you have an innovative solution.

In this instance, since I will have layered staffs in any case, I will use the layer option but I shall file away your solution for future use.

