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Topic: Entering Chord Names (Read 57500 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Entering Chord Names

Reply #50
I suggest we wait for Flurmy to give us the Italian, although I think I know what it is.

Here I am and I'm sure you already know the answer: sharp is "diesis", flat is "bemolle" and natural is "bequadro".
"Double sharp" and "double flat" are respectively "doppio diesis" and "doppio bemolle".

N.B. "bemolle" = "B" molle = soft B, floppy B (not the PC hardware!)
"bequadro" = "B" quadro = "B" quadrato = squared B

I cannot find any other coherence for the name than historical roots of music. So if you use German (Germanic) as adjective, there won't be any primary relation to Germany as a country for us

I think this is the best we can do about it.

Re: Entering Chord Names

Reply #51
Oh, I forgot: major = "maggiore", minor = "minore", dim = "diminuita", sus = "sospesa".
Easy, isn't it? ;-)

Re: Entering Chord Names

Reply #52
OK, thanks guys.

So, the consensus seems to be that I can simply leave the #, b, natural, x and bb symbols as they are.  Flurmy, does this apply to Do-Si as well - Do# etc?

What about Maj, M, min, m, sus etc?  Do I need to change these?  The Do-Si variant will have the Maj6/9 left where it is, to match the existing *Chord fonts, only the Germanic one will have this glyph moved.

So, for now, there will be *ChordGermanic and *ChordDoSi unless someone comes up with better names.  The Roman Numeral one will come later, but please keep the ideas coming.  I'll need to have all the ancillary symbols properly defined.  I think how I'll confirm them will be to create a couple of test fonts for you guys to try but until I do, don't wait to specify how any of the symbols should be updated.  The more I know about now, the quicker it will happen.

Now, I want to do this via the NewsGroup.  I.E I will NOT be posting beta fonts on this forum.  The NG is closed and this will limit access to the fonts until they are finalised.  For those who are not currently able to access the NG, there are instructions here: - you must be a registered user of NWC to access it.

As previously stated, I'm pretty busy at the moment so don't expect the first version in less than a week or so.  I will try to be quicker, but I have a business to run, amongst other things...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Entering Chord Names

Reply #53
Flurmy, does this apply to Do-Si as well - Do# etc?

Sorry Lawrie, I skipped this step.
The answer is yes, of course it does.

What about Maj, M, min, m, sus etc?  Do I need to change these?

Easy: no.

For those who are not currently able to access the NG, there are instructions here

The instructions lacks the sentence: "ask the SysAdmin to open the firewall to the NTTP"... :-(
Anyway don't worry for me, go ahead.

Re: Entering Chord Names

Reply #54
OK, the first 2 beta versions of SwingChordDoSi and SwingChordGermanic have been posted - please visit the NG for access. 

If you are unable to access the NG but wish to be actively involved in the beta process, please send me a PM and I'll reply with the links.  Please - only if you will actively participate and CANNOT access the NG - I don't want to be overloaded with PM's to answer ;)
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Entering Chord Names

Reply #55
Hmm, just noticed an old habit caught me out in the Do-Si version - does it matter whether "Sol" is "Sol" or "So" - what is the preferred convention?

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Entering Chord Names

Reply #56
OK, as a result of some feedback in the NG RE: So vs Sol there is an update to the SwingChordDoSi font
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Entering Chord Names

Reply #57
Got another update - I wasn't happy with a couple of the new glyphs in the DoSi font, so they're a little wider and better formed - comments please

There's a link in the NG post...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Entering Chord Names

Reply #58
G'day all,
for those that are interested, please see for the release versions of the new *ChordDoSi and Germanic fonts - all 6 flavours...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.