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Topic: Lyric placement (Read 3147 times) previous topic - next topic

Lyric placement

In the attachment, it should be clear to everyone that NWC2 (as of Beta 2.18) mishandles "wrong" in measures 1-3. It should look like "right" in measures 3-4. This is nothing less than a bug that has existed since the beginning of NWC.

I would also argue that that the "wrong" in 5 is a bug. It should look like the "right" in 7.

IMO, the only time where lyrics should account for a defult barline is at a Sysbreak (explicit or implied)

Currently the options for Lyric Syllable are: Default, Always, Never
They should be: Default, Left, Center, Never

Whitespace (e.g., underscores) to to right of a lyric syllable should be considered in lyric placement, but should be ignored for the placement of the next note. This would allow centered lyrics to be shifted without affecting note spacing. If shifting the next note is needed, some "Preserve width" spaces could be used.

Idealy, a spin box should be provided for Lyric Offset that would allow a real (i.e. non-integral) offset of where the lyric is to be centered or left set relative to the note. If this is too much trouble then trailing whitespace should cause a left set syllable to be shifted left.

These changes would give the user nearly complete control over horizontal Lyric placement.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Lyric placement

Reply #1
That's all sounds a bit complex.

But a quick fix satisfying quite a bit of the problem would be to ignore the lyrics when placing the bar lines. The next note would be placed normally unless the preceding lyric dictates otherwise (as is exactly the case presently with successive notes in the same bar).

I suspect that the current behaviour is dictated by the mistaken idea that lyrics shouldn't collide with orchestral bar lines – mistaken because staffs with lyrics shouldn't actually have extended bar lines.

Re: Lyric placement

Reply #2
That's all sounds a bit complex.
Not really. All I'm saying is that trailing whitespace should position the lyric relative to the note but should not cause the next note to move to the right. Obviously, at a sytem break, the lyric cannot print beyond the barline.
Still confused?
Registered user since 1996


Re: Lyric placement

Reply #3
You've just re-iterated what I suggested (and what you suggested too I believe). But you also suggested quite a bit else which was complex (too complex IMHO) and unlikely to be implemented. Keep it simple and Eric might actually do something ;-)

Re: Lyric placement

Reply #4
Now I'm confused ...
You suggested that NWC should simply ignore barlines.
Good idea. I agree, except that there is the little matter of the right margin to consider.

You write that I "re-iterated what I [you] suggested." Where did you suggest what to do with trailing whitespace? Trailing whitespace and observance of the right margin was the totality of my response. Very little intersection, much less re-iteration.
Registered user since 1996