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Topic: New member - probably old problem! (Read 4795 times) previous topic - next topic

New member - probably old problem!

I am cuurently writing choral music and have encountered 2 small problems. 
The first one: Writing soprano and alto lines with coincidental notes (C in fact).  Soprano note semibreve and alto note 1/2 crotchett.  The half crotchett obliterates the semibreve O. I am using layering.  How can one get the semibreve to line itslef at the side of the 1/2 crotchett?
The second one:  Need to write choral symbols for increase or decrease volume over several notes.  How can I achieve this?
Thank you for any help.  Antony Cook

Re: New member - probably old problem!

Reply #1
Hello Antony


You can shift a note to the right so that it does not collide when layering.  Highlight the note you want to shift. Then hold down alt and press enter to get to the note properties.

On the dialog box presented, click on the notes tab and you will see on the second line down,  Extra note spacing. type 1 in the box (or use the arrow key).

Not sure what you mean by the next bit but if you mean (for example) inserting forte or piano symbols, then, without anything else highlighted, press the D key. Select the dynamic tab, and there is a drop down menu to select the dynamic you want.

If you mean cresc. and Decresc, then hit the Y key.
If you mean hairpins, then this is available in version 2 by highlighting the affected notes and then pressing either < or > for cresc hairpin or Decresc hairpin.

If that's not what you were asking, can you be more specific.

Hope this helps

Re: New member - probably old problem!

Reply #2
Thanks Rich.  I solved the problem of the notes.  Found out that the skift to the right was under the EDIT block of directions.  This is now OK.
It's hairpins I'm thinking of in question 2 used in choral music.  Haven't found a way of doing this yet.  I have version 1.7.
I also have another small problem with slurs.  On choral notation it is usual to put the slur in the same direction as the stems so that it will not "muddle up" the other voice on the same staff.  Can the slur direction be changed in some way?

Re: New member - probably old problem!

Reply #3
Glad you solved your other problems. There are no hairpins in version 1.7, only version 2. You could fudge them by using a font specially for the purpose. Have a look at here :

With the slurs, it's the same as other note attributes. Highlight the first note that has the slur, hold down alt and press enter to get the properties.  On the notes tab, you will see an entry that says slur direction. This will be set to default.
You can changes this to upwards or downwards as appropriate.
