Re: Hungarian boxes
Reply #1 –
G'day Stephen,
I wonder if you could draw me some examples and post a tif or jpg of it?
Also if you could include all the sharps and flats that you might need - I'm aware that there are far more of these than used by most western music...
Would this font also need more normal characters - a to z, A to Z, / ? _ - = + &etc. or could it be a specialist font like Boxmarks (which can almost do it now, it just dosen't have the separate V and I or the ability to remove either the top or the bottom of the box)?
The reason I ask is that I have a couple of fonts that are almost there from your description but which would need tweaking and possibly the extra sharps and flats.
Another thing is would you prefer:
a) a handwritten style like my SwingDings font (see and select the SwingDings link),
b) a sans serif font like Arial, or
c) a serif font like Times New Roman
I can't guarantee a time frame - business is picking up and I'm quite busy, plus I'll be going on hoilidays soon...