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Topic: measures per printed line: aka, page set-up? (Read 8448 times) previous topic - next topic

measures per printed line: aka, page set-up?

I'm sorry if this is addressed elsewhere, but I've looked in all the files I can.

I'm using SATB voicing on a piece that is only 20 measures long -- I entered all the notes, barlines, lyrics, etc, expecting to have a "page setup" command for choosing how many measures per printed line I'd want.  No go.

So now I'm tasked with trying to get the page to look right, instead of running off the end.  The phrases break very well at the 5-bar mark. HELP?  How do I do it?  How do I maintain my SATB voicing and add systems to my page, without having the "New Staff" being attached to my bass line of the previous system?

I tried copying and pasting at the 5th measure of the soprano voicing to force a new system, but no go.

I tried just adding a New Staff from end and then "unlayering" -- but that fouled up the system above.

am I truly the only person with this problem?  I'd be happy to attach the file, but I don't see how to attach it here. 

I'm usually quite savvy at this sort of thing, and right now I'm pretty bummed.  I have choir practice tomorrow night and I wanted to bring this for my group.

PS -- if this gets solved, does anyone know how to make the reciting tones, as in Anglican Chant, work for noteworthy?  I've been forcing eighth notes for the syllables, and it's worked, but it's just so busy. 

thanks for the help.


Re: measures per printed line: aka, page set-up?

Reply #1
On the very top staff of your piece, go to the bar line that you want to be the last on the line.
Highlight the barline and then hold down ALT and press enter to get the properties up.

Check "Force System Break"

There will then be a forced carriage return at that point.

Repeat this process where ever you want to force the break.


Re: measures per printed line: aka, page set-up?

Reply #2
Damn!  It worked.

Thank you VERY much.  Now I have to go and write up some Anglican 4-part chant!


Re: measures per printed line: aka, page set-up?

Reply #3


Please also note that a good trick is also to put a bar line at the very end of the piece and force a system break on that barline.

This additional barline will not show when printed and will have a bonus effect of equally spacing out the final bars on the page.

Re: measures per printed line: aka, page set-up?

Reply #4
Please also note that a good trick is also to put a bar line at the very end of the piece and force a system break on that barline.

This additional barline will not show when printed and will have a bonus effect of equally spacing out the final bars on the page.

It does that. But... in the attached piece, why is the middle system on the last page missing a bar line (in print preview) ?

I'm using NWC2 Beta 1 update 2

Wilm Boerhout

Re: measures per printed line: aka, page set-up?

Reply #5
It does that. But... in the attached piece, why is the middle system on the last page missing a bar line (in print preview) ?

I'm using NWC2 Beta 1 update 2


Good question! 
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: measures per printed line: aka, page set-up?

Reply #6
If you are referring to the Tenor Staff, perhaps it is because that bar is:


(Color added)
After enabling measure #'s and assuming a zero base (which is what is set in the file) and changing Staff Bold to a font on my sytem, I make it to be measure 34
Registered user since 1996

Re: measures per printed line: aka, page set-up?

Reply #7
If you are referring to the Tenor Staff, perhaps it is because that bar is:


Aarrrgh, shoulda seen that.  Good catch Rick!

...and changing Staff Bold to a font on my sytem...

[shameless plug  :)  ]
Easy fixed, SwingDings is available via the scripto:
[/shameless plug  :)  ]
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.


Re: measures per printed line: aka, page set-up?

Reply #8
If you are referring to the Tenor Staff, perhaps it is because that bar is:

...and I thought I'd caught them all...

Before post : my face
After post: my face

Wilm Boerhout