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Topic: Saving as MIDI by using File/Export (Read 8720 times) previous topic - next topic

Saving as MIDI by using File/Export

I've read all the messages about saving as MIDI files in version 2, but when I use that method, I still get only an NWC file that I can't then convert to WAV. My exact procedure is File/Export and the window comes up showing type 1 MIDI file, I save. Then when I go to my folder where the saved file is, it's still not a MIDI icon, and my MIDI to Wave program won't pick it up as MIDI.  Help!!

Re: Saving as MIDI by using File/Export

Reply #1
I've apparently answered my own question. For some reason, I have to export the files as Type 0 rather than Type 1 as I used to do in Noteworthy 1.75.

Re: Saving as MIDI by using File/Export

Reply #2
Well, now it's really weird. I have to alternate saving as Type 1 MIDI and Type 0 MIDI. In other words, the first time I saved as Type 0 MIDI, but the next time I had to save as Type 1 MIDI.  Help again!

Re: Saving as MIDI by using File/Export

Reply #3
Not exactly sure what the problem might be, but have you tried right-clicking on the Type<whatever> "mid" file and chosen "Open with", and then chosen the correct program from the list? (Possibly you also need to press the Shift-key as you right-click.)

Or starting this program you want to open midi files, and open the file from within this program, instead of relying on Windows to find it for you?

Not saying it is, but it could be, that your .mid file association for some reason has gone astray. Might happen if you have tested some new, and fantastic, midi software which stole the association behind your back, and then you uninstalled said software again, because it wasn't so fantastic as they claimed (been there, done that).

If the "Open with" trick above works, and you get that dialog on screen, check the little check box at the bottom of the dialog saying something similar to "Always use this program to open this file type". This sometimes works, and sometimes not.

Good luck!

Re: Saving as MIDI by using File/Export

Reply #4
Thanks -- all good suggestions, but I'm concurrently using Noteworthy 1.75 and don't have the same problem saving into midi format.

Re: Saving as MIDI by using File/Export

Reply #5
Sounds very strange, almost as if the export routine suddenly doesn't know how to save to MIDI. Have you tried removing v2 and re-installing it?

Or perhaps try the current update (y) first, maybe. Maybe this will solve it without the need of re-installing.

Re: Saving as MIDI by using File/Export

Reply #6
I do  have the most current version, but do believe I will uninstall and reinstall. Thanks so much.

Re: Saving as MIDI by using File/Export

Reply #7
I think I've spotted the problem: It's saving as a midi, but it's not automatically changing the file extention - it's easier to notice if, like me, you  have your computer set to always show extentions,

This is a fairly major bug as it could easily rewrite a nwc file with a midi...


Re: Saving as MIDI by using File/Export

Reply #8
Sue, I cannot reproduce your problem on my Win98SE box.
Perhaps you should enable "show file extensions" in Explorer and report back the extension that is being used.

Even if I "force" an "nwc" extension, I get a  prompt giving me the name (with extension) asking me if I want to overwrite it.
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