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Topic: How to highlight the gray diamond in gront of the tempo indicato (Read 8602 times) previous topic - next topic

How to highlight the gray diamond in gront of the tempo indicato

I inserted a tempo indication by pressing t on the keyboard.  How do I highlight the gray diamond in front of it so that I may delete it or edit it.  I have the program set not to allow layers.  I'm using the trial version with windows 2000Pro.

I can highlight the notes but not the gray diamond?  Any suggestions?


Re: How to highlight the gray diamond in gront of the tempo indicato

Reply #1
Hi Jerry,

It is possible that the gray diamond is on a staff other than the one on which you are trying to select. (phew! grammar police). Try selecting the correct staff and then it should be easy to select the jewel.

Hope this helps. Barry

Re: How to highlight the gray diamond in gront of the tempo indicato

Reply #2
To delete it, place your cursor just to the right of the diamond and press Backspace.

Re: How to highlight the gray diamond in gront of the tempo indicato

Reply #3
To backspace it, place your cursor just to the right of the diamond and press Backspace.
To delete it, place your cursor just to the left of the diamond and press Delete.

Re: How to highlight the gray diamond in gront of the tempo indicato

Reply #4
Make sure you're on the same staff (as Barry suggests).  Then place your cursor immediately before the diamond, hold down the shift key, and use the right arrow to move one space.  It should now be highlighted.

To delete it, hit Delete.  To edit it, press Control and E at the same time.

Re: How to highlight the gray diamond in gront of the tempo indicato

Reply #5
Not only must you make sure you are on the correct staff, if you still cannot select the cursor, check to see if that staff is layered with another staff.  You don't have to turn layering off, simply press Page Down or Page Up and see if you can then select the diamond.

Re: How to highlight the gray diamond in gront of the tempo indicato

Reply #6
If all well-meant suggestions fail, try this.
Create a new .nwc file. Fill it with notes, and insert tempo changes here and there. Move you cursor around, using CursorUp and CursorDown, and insert a few more.
Do not hesitate to add the tempo changes on different bars.

Now, try to catch them. Experiment at will, highlighting, deleting, backspacing and Alt-Backspacing (undo!), and you will find out what is happening in the shortest possible time.

Re: How to highlight the gray diamond in gront of the tempo indicato

Reply #7
For everyone who responded THANK YOU VERY MUCH!  I would not have figured it out without your help.

This progam is a neat program.  My wife is going to buy it as Xmsa gift for me.



Re: How to highlight the gray diamond in gront of the tempo indicato

Reply #8
The forum is not bad either ;-)