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Topic: Skipping bars in the second repeat (Read 9490 times) previous topic - next topic

Skipping bars in the second repeat

I'm trying to notate a song wich consists of a lengthy repeat, a bridge and then a final short repeat ad nauseum.

However, in the middle of the first repeat there is eight bars thats only played the first time around and then is skipped alltogether for the next three repeats.
How can i notate this for accurate playback?
These eight bars consists mainly of a lot of shouting,
is there any way to insert a note with an X as a notehead or something to signify this?

Anders Rydén

Re: Skipping bars in the second repeat

Reply #1
Wow, Anders!  That sounds like quite a piece – a nauseating repeat and a lot of shouting!  (Just kidding.  I’m sure it’s great.)  If I understand you correctly, section A plays five times, but with an extra 8 bars in the middle the second time.
Here’s an idea:
Treat the first proposed repeat not as a repeat, but as its own section.  Then restate the first section with two repeats.  The pattern then becomes ABAAA, with B being A with the 8 bars in the middle.

Re: Skipping bars in the second repeat

Reply #2
Hi Steeve.
I'm not so sure it will sound great, this not exactly my type of music. I'm just helping a friend by making some legible notes for his band.

It's supposed to be four verses and then just a long repeat as he's improvising on his saxophone until the cows comes home or his audience leaves.
But the first verse is longer and has the famous shouting bit in it.

In his handdrawn original, he has just made a bracket above these eight bars and written "only 1:st time".
I've managed to make somthing similar by using text expressions, but i couldn't get the playback to do the same.

I made a MIDI for him by cutting and pasting everything in a new score and then exporting so I've managed to help him.
I was just curious if there was a way to do this properly

Re: Skipping bars in the second repeat

Reply #3
Put a First Time Repeat at the start of the eight bars, and then a 1,2,3,4 Repeat at the end of them. Hide both Repeats for visual correctness.

Re: Skipping bars in the second repeat

Reply #4
I think you have to make the last ending not repeat, or else you get the main part playing 6, instead of 5, times.  Try this:

Section A
8 bars of music (will be played all 5 times)
bar line

Section B
insert special ending 1
8 bars of music (will be played only the 2nd time)
master repeat close

Section C
insert special ending 2,3,4
8 bars of music (will be played 4 times)
master repeat close

Section D
insert special ending 5
8 bars of music (same as in Section C) - will only be played at the end

Has anyone experimented with the use of codas and segnos to achieve this?  I started to, but ran out of pep (it's the middle of the night).

Re: Skipping bars in the second repeat

Reply #5
Why make things complicated? My suggestion works perfectly well (although I might have a repeat too many!)

Re: Skipping bars in the second repeat

Reply #6
On reflection, you need a 123 special ending just before the Master Repeat Close. then everything should flow correctly.

Re: Skipping bars in the second repeat

Reply #7
Has anyone experimented with the use of codas and segnos to achieve this?

I can't see why anyone would want to. It seems to me that Da Capo, Segno, Coda, and Fine are just variations of Master Repeat Open, Special Ending, and Master Repeat Close.

IOW, I think that anything that doesn't involve playing a measure more than 8 times can be achieved with just Master Repeat Open, Special Ending, and Master Repeat Close.

It would help if NWC didn't become stupid when it hits a double bar.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Skipping bars in the second repeat

Reply #8
Peter, re reply 5, I think I misunderstood the pattern which is A A B A A A.

Can you illustrate your method by pasting a NWC Clip from version 2 here, please?  If you substitute a whole note for each 8 bar passage, it will be viewable without having to move offscreen.

Re: Skipping bars in the second repeat

Reply #9
We're not allowed to post clips in this forum!

The sequence is:

A | 1 B ¬|1234 C ¬ 123¬ :||  D

Re: Skipping bars in the second repeat

Reply #10
I used the special endings and it works fine
|:A | 1 B ¬|1234 C ¬ 123¬ :||: D :|
But it is not visually pleasing.
I hid them and used text expressions for the printed notes

Some more questions popped up,
Why doesn't special endings work in local repeats, only in master repeats?

Why doesn't lyrics work with local repeats?

I'm used to the special ending reaching over all the bars it contains, why does NWC only mark the first bar?

Re: Skipping bars in the second repeat

Reply #11
This question "I'm used to the special ending reaching over all the bars it contains, why does NWC only mark the first bar?"  has been asked before.

It should be pretty easy to program NWC so a first ending horizontal line would continue to the repeat sign.  It would be a bit more complicated with a second ending, since the program would need to figure out if the line should extend to the next flow direction command, or as is common, just end after a couple of measures.

Anyway, the question has been raised, and I think wishlisted too, so maybe one day...

Re: Skipping bars in the second repeat

Reply #12
It would be a bit more complicated with a second ending

Not so! If there is a Master Repeat Close following a Special Ending then the line should extend to the MRC and be closed/terminated with a vertical stroke. If there isn't then the line extends only to the next bar line and is open (unless it's at the very end of the piece, when it too is closed).

A pity NWC can't get such a simple thing right :-(

Re: Skipping bars in the second repeat

Reply #13
Shouldn't be complicated. Add a spin box:
Bars to extend:

Default: 1
Zero means extend it to the next Decorated Bar line or the end of the piece.

Registered user since 1996