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Topic: Why does NWC2 stop playing ? (Read 5041 times) previous topic - next topic

Why does NWC2 stop playing ?

While playing a score in NWC 2 I can't click on another window. It stops nwc playing the song. Why ?
Nwc 1.75 doesn't have such a drawback.

Suggestions ?


Re: Why does NWC2 stop playing ?

Reply #1
In Tools / Options / Midi tab, check the port usage. If it is set to 'while active' that could be the problem. Change it to 'always'.


Re: Why does NWC2 stop playing ?

Reply #2
YES !!

Thank, Tina. I never saw this drop list !


Re: Why does NWC2 stop playing ?

Reply #3
Thanks a lot Tina!  That "problem" has been annoying me for weeks when I've been recording Choral Training Aids to mp3, in both NWC 1 & NWC 2