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Topic: Measure numbers (Read 15654 times) previous topic - next topic

Measure numbers


I have a NWC 1 score with boxed measure numbers. In NWC1 these are printed at the start of each bar. When using the NWC2 viewer, every fifth measure is printed all over the score (not at the start of each bar). This gives a messy appearance. Is this behaviour intentional?



Re: Measure numbers

Reply #1
I would double check your "Page Setup..."

I tried to recreate your situation and wasn't able to do it.

Which version of NWC2 are you currently using? (Public Preview 1?)

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #2
No, I'm not eligible for the preview :-(my license is too old). I'm using NWC 1.75 to write the score -with boxed measure numbers- and in this version the measure numbers appear at the start of each bar. When I use the NWC2 *Viewer* (*not* the composer) the measure numbers are all over the place (every fifth measure is printed). Don't know what NWC2 composer makes of this as I don't have it.



Re: Measure numbers

Reply #3
So far as I can tell there's nothing wrong with NWC2 Public Preview in this regard,  I can confirm that NoteWorthy Composer 2 Viewer shows the measure numbers every 5th bar in songs created with NWC2.  I don't have anything left created in 1.75, so I can't check that.

If you desperately need to use Viewer to print the parts, you might reopen the source file in NWC1.75, disable the measure numbers, and replace them with text-based boxed rehearsal letters, using the Boxmark2 font.  It's available from the Scriptorium.  Once you've resaved the file in 1.75, then you should be able to open it in Viewer without noticing the measure number problem.

Just out of curiosity, why do you want to print from Viewer when you can print from 1.75?

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #4
...why do you want to print from Viewer when you can print from 1.75?
Maybe because the slurs look better in version 2?

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #5
I was able to duplicate this situation exactly using viewer 2.0, Public release 1.1. The problem is still there in 1.6. Worse, if you happen to have a system break on measure 5, 10 15, .... you get measure numbers at both the end of the line and the start of the next.

Best fix is to put in explicit line breaks and use Staff Bold, Staff position 9, no preserve width, right, anything but at next note or bar. The text will be the measure number and about 11 spaces. If you need finer control, try center and about 22 spaces.

But if you value your time at more than the minimum wage, you might consider spending $30 and join the club.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #6

Just out of curiosity, why do you want to print from Viewer when you can print from 1.75?

The same as you say: Just out of curiosity. As I'm not eligible for the preview I can only try the viewer and that is what I'm doing.

What Gary says is true: the slurs definitely look better, but this 'problem' with the measure numbers bothers me a little.


But if you value your time at more than the minimum wage, you might consider spending $30 and join the club.

I'm already part of the club and am certainly interested in the upgrade program to version 2 but I'll wait until it is released.

thanks for your answers,



Re: Measure numbers

Reply #7
Thanks for the report. We will look into this.

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #8
Fixed in the latest release of the Viewer.

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #9
Okay, after we measure numbers (they're all 1" tall), what do we do next?

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #10
But now it doesn't even show measure numbers in the scroll view!...

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #11
Ricky, what do you do to tape measures? And what do you tape them to?

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #12
Nah, you can't measure numbers, they are point-like -- zero dimentional.  You can only count them.  The trouble is, unless the are modular they are uncountable.

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #13
I thought numbers were [abbr=that's why some are irrational]imaginary[/abbr]?

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #14
Some are imaginary, but a lot of others have a -- sorry -- are complex.  But then many (in a very strong sense) are transendental.

Note that while there are an infinite number of rational numbers there are a lot more that are irrational.

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #15
Transcendental. Something to do with your teeth - transcendental floss. Mind the spelling, though.
And, speaking of imaginary: imagine an imaginary menagery manager, managing an imaginary menagery... about as simple as the square root of -1.  (Are we going for the OT record, with the Irrelevant Tangent Award thrown in as a bonus? btw, is an Irrelevant Tangent a Sine divided by an irrelevant Cosine?)

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #16
Surely it's an irrelevant sine divided by a cosine. A sine divided by an irrelevant cosine is a relevant tangent (assuming 1/irrelevant = relevant)


Re: Measure numbers

Reply #17
Maybe not. The opposite of relevant is irrelevant, and the opposite is marked by a minus sign. Hence, it makes no difference if you divide an irrelevant sine by a (relevant) cosine, or divide a sine by an irrelevant cosine. The result is minus, being irrelevant. The reciprocal of a minus is still a minus.
But... if this is all true, then an irrelevant sine divided by an irrelevant cosine is a tangent! Could that be true? Maybe I'm still dead wrong, after all.

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #18
And stop calling me Shirley.l

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #19
And here we have an irrelevant conundrum!  An irrelevant sine divided by an irrelevant cosine is a tangent, yet it's an irrelevant tangent at the same time!

We could probably use this to prove that 0 = 1, and with the addition of 1, that NWC1 = NWC 2, but that NWC2 is more advanced!!!

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #20
I actually heard a piece of music called "Transcendental Floss" on an album (remember those big vinyl thing?) from the mid/late 70s.  It also included "New York City, 6AM," and it was some of the best jazz fusion I've ever heard.  The name of the artist may have been Herman Szobel.  Anyone else ever hear of him?  Anyone know where I might get a copy of that album (tape or CD is better...)?

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #21
Go to:
Music: CDs, records and tapes, oh my!

put in "szobel" (sans the quotation marks) and you will find three copies of the LP (sorry, that's all), ranging from $7.82 to $17.79.  And the cheapest is listed as new, but has a very bad rating for the seller.  You pays your money and you takes your choice!

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #22
Thanks, Cyril, I'll check that out.

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #23
I ordered a copy - it should arrive by the weekend.
Thanks so much.

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #24
Hey, that's a cool site.
Do you know if there's one like that for movies (DVD/VHS)?

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #25
It's very dangerous to prove that 0 = 1. You might be tempted to prove that black equals white, succeed, and get knocked over on a zebra crossing.

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #26
No danger around here, we don't have zebra crossings, only deer crossings and cattle crossings.  Try Oz, they have more kinds of crossings than you can count -- I particularly liked Mallee fowl crossings and Koala crossings, although camels, emu and wombat were fun too.

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #27
I think it was on Jersey (C.I.), or perhaps in Gosport in the UK, where I saw signage for Elderly People crossings some years ago.  I see it's used throughout throughout the UK now.  It can be seen here:

One of my favourite crossing signs is found in Sweden, for moose (älg)

Newfoundland has a cute moose crossing sign too, but I've never been there to see it:

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #28
Yes, we do seem to have some odd signs here in Australia.  Must be something to do with the fact that we're upside down, and our CD players spin backwards.

See Ducks Crossing and Stock Crossing and a whole lot more on that site.

And for a varied selection, including kangaroo, koala, wombat, deer, snow-mobile, see Not all from Australia

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #29
At the recent general election here in the UK, I saw a photo (sorry, can't find a link to it) of a Polling Station, and under the temporary "Polling Station" sign was a permanent sign reading "Don't sit on the fence"!

We do seem to have a nack of getting way OT round here, don't we!

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #30
Thanks again for that link.
The record arrived on Monday.
(I haven't been to the forum for a while, though, because my hard drive keeps cras

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #31
Glad it helped.  Enjoy the music.