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Topic: Inserting a Count-In (Read 2660 times) previous topic - next topic

Inserting a Count-In

Hi NWC members

Can someone please help me find a way to insert a 4 beat count in (like a click sound ex: click(1), click(2), click(3), click(4) for a 4/4/ time signature).

I need to place this count-in before the first measure.

Thank You


Re: Inserting a Count-In

Reply #1
Hi, Walter -
If I'm understanding correctly, the easy answer would be to add a percussion staff (new staff, set midi to channel 10, add quarter notes to suit).
Hope this helps.

Re: Inserting a Count-In

Reply #2
you can insert a 4/4 signiture from the toolbars ontop of the page or you can do it by pressing G and then hit ok on the window that pops up

Re: Inserting a Count-In

Reply #3
Here's what I do.  I just create a count-in staff, set it to channel 10 (percussion), choose whatever click instrument I want (usually rim shot - the C# right below the bass clef staff) and enter 4 quarter notes.  I then hide the staff.  I insert a blank measure at the beginning of each staff on my score, with a whole rest in each.  I can then highlight everything after the time signature (which includes the whole note rest and the first bar line), right click, and set visibility to "Never".  That way, you get the "click, click, click, click" to start your piece, but when you print it out, the count-in measure isn't there.  It makes for a nicer printout, but gives you the count-in on playback.

Hope this helps,
