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Topic: Unicode font (Read 4634 times) previous topic - next topic

Unicode font

I am unable to use unicode font in lyric in both NWC and NWC2 !
Any one knows how to do it ?

Re: Unicode font

Reply #1
NWC is Unicode incapable and although I'm a loyal customer and fierce supporter of NWC I have to say that it's a great incapability for a type of DTP in our age. I hope Noteworthy Software consider getting rid of this incapability in the near future, which has been a nuisance for non Western European/American users ever since.

That all said, you can use all Latin characters in a suitable font changing its Script value accordingly in Page Setup > Fonts.

Re: Unicode font

Reply #2
For now: Take advantage of NWC's ability to create (copy) metafiles from Print Preview. A metafile is a vector graphic image of a single page, which can be placed in a word processing document. So, you need to create a metafile of each page. This is easy to do.

Once the metafiles are placed in a word processor, you can add anything you like, according to the capabilities of the word processor. If the word processor is Unicode compatible, you can add Unicode text in any font, including Asian characters if you have them.

Common Windows word processors can open metafiles. But if you are using a word processing program that cannot open a metafile, you can do this: First, be sure that the metafiles are created (copied from NWC Print Preview) with printer set at 600dpi or LESS. Then, obtain the free program "Irfan View" which can open a metafile and convert it to a bitmap image. Then, you can place the bitmap in your word processor, and write on top of it.

NWC spaces notes to allow for lyrics. So if your Unjicode lyrics may take up a lot of space, you should write "dummy" lyrics into NWC. That way, the note spacing will be large enough to accomodate the lyrics that you will add in the word processor. One way to create "dummy" lyrics is to write invisible lyrics using the non-breaking space character (decimal code 160, hex A0, Unicode 00A0).