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Topic: Staff Size and Staff Text Scaling (Read 2887 times) previous topic - next topic

Staff Size and Staff Text Scaling

Can anyone advise at what Staff Size do staff-related text fonts scale to about 100% on the printed page (given that printer scaling is of course set to 100%)?  I make it out to occur at Staff Size = 18 points, or maybe 19.

Re: Staff Size and Staff Text Scaling

Reply #1
I think the fonts are governed by the settings in File/Page Setup/Fonts.  You can change any of them.  AFAIK, they won't shrink or grow when the staff size is changed.

Re: Staff Size and Staff Text Scaling

Reply #2
They DO change. If the bar line are set to 17 and a lyric of say 10 is chosen it will be reduced if the bar line size is changed as will the notes. It is not proportional but feels right.

Re: Staff Size and Staff Text Scaling

Reply #3
Ok... I now see what is really happening.  Staff fonts are not being 'scaled' as such.  Staff fonts print at the proper size, but the program is automatically changing the font size of the staff texts somewhat proportionally to a change in the Staff Size.  I had just as soon the program didn't do that, but so it goes...

Re: Staff Size and Staff Text Scaling

Reply #4
I put this thread into the NWC2 newsgroup, and got this answer.  Hope it helps:

Easy solution: change the staff size first, then change the text/lyric fonts to suit your taste. It is the order in which you do them that causes the change -- at least, for the lyric font. I use the above procedure all the time ...Cliff Bohnson

Re: Staff Size and Staff Text Scaling

Reply #5
Yep... Just a matter of putting the horse in front of the cart.

Aside: I finally set up yesterday to read the newsgroups, and there sure appears to be a lot of good information available.  I would recommend reading the newsgroups to all.