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Topic: Percussion (Read 4170 times) previous topic - next topic


I love Noteworthy! I think it is a fantastic value. I cannot,
however, figure out how to write my own percussion line. I can
use the ones provided with Noteworthy and then modify them as
I need, but I would also think that I could start from scratch
and create and notate a percussion staff.
Here is what I want to be able to do:
1) Create a new staff
2) select the intrument for this staff to be a percussion set
3) notate the percussion I want for my musical composition.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Percussion

Reply #1
1) Create a new staff
Press Control-A (for "Add")

2) select the intrument for this staff to be a percussion set
F2 (staff properties, nothing mnemonic there, I'm afraid). Change the Channel to 10 (normally, 16 in some cases, suck it and see).

3) notate the percussion I want for my musical composition.
Somewhere, someone created a file called Drum.nwc (either in the online help, user tips or on the newsgroup), which gives every percussion sound generated by (most) general midi devices. That should do the trick.

Andrew P

Re: Percussion

Reply #2
Also look at common questions no. 6 in NWC Help, and at the file 'drumref.nwc' in the 'samples' folder (which I suspect from your questions you've already found).