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Topic: Slurs and Triplets (Read 2899 times) previous topic - next topic

Slurs and Triplets

Slurs and triplets seem to interact in odd ways.  I've already noted the fact that beamed triplets often have slurs cutting across the "3".  Now I have found that in unbeamed triplets the bracketed "3" is displayed above the slur.  See example:

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Is this the correct notation?  It isn't printed that way in my source.


Re: Slurs and Triplets

Reply #1
I had a look at it, with these results:

First, I made the slur direction "default", as we're after the typical behaviour, not a special case.  Then Audit Note Stems (Alt-T N), then View - Refresh Score (F9).  Everything appeared as you would expect, with the slur at the note heads and the triplet bracket at the stems.

Then I shifted the tree notes down so that the final note was on the middle line, Alt-T N, F9, and again it was OK.

It's the Refresh Score (F9) that's important!  I was lucky enough to find it quite early, and am glad it's a one-touch key.

Then I tried again, with the slur direction "upward".  The triplet bracket is OK if the notes are high enough so that the stems are down, but if the notes are low, the bracket and slur are both at the stems.  This looks odd, but if the situation is odd enough that you have to force the slur to be "upward", it's probably OK to have the bracket and slur together.  For the reader, it probably doesn't make any difference which is closer to the stem.

I also tried using layering to get a triplet bracket to appear at the note heads rather than the stems, but couldn't find an obvious way.  One trouble was hiding the original triplet bracket.

Maybe for the wish-list:  A note property for "triplet direction" in the same vein as "slur direction" and "tie direction"?  Alternatively, an option for a variant triplet bracket that looks like (and optionally plays-back like) a slur with a "3".  I think I remember seeing this notation in big-band charts some years ago.  It would also be handy if we ever get tuplets!

Cheers, Ewan

Re: Slurs and Triplets

Reply #2
The situation isn't THAT odd.  It is the upper voice in a multi-voice arrangment.  If the stems were down they would collide with the notes below the (actually layered with them).  It is as if the slur is drawen first, avoiding everything but the triplet bracket, then the bracket is drawen, avoiding the slur.  But for beamed notes the slur is drawn, and then the "3" is placed without reguard to the slur's existance.

Re: Slurs and Triplets

Reply #3
Yes, you're right - I didn't check with quavers (eighth notes), just crotchets (quarter notes).  The beamed version does have an overprint.  I guess it's because NWC uses the short-cut notation of omitting the bracket for beamed notes (which is something I very much approve of!)

A work-around is to use grace-notes, one either side of the centre note of the triplet.  Make them very short - hemidemisemiquavers (64th notes) and muted, so they don't noticeably disrupt the playback, and invisible, so they don't print.  Move them high enough on the staff so that between them they give an acceptable shape.

Here's a sample:

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Re: Slurs and Triplets

Reply #4
Oops, forgot to mute the grace notes.

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This sample printed very nicely for me.  You might want to have the grace notes stems up (if - say - it's the soprano line and everything is stem up), in which case the grace notes would need to be repositioned.