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Topic: page layout (Read 2197 times) previous topic - next topic

page layout

I am sure this is an easy one for most of you.

How do I adjust the setting out to get more staves on an A4 sheet?


Re: page layout

Reply #1
I usually try a combination of these three things
(1) adjust the space above to top staff and below the bottom staff so that there is only the amount of white space you need (Staff / Staff Properties / Visual / Vertical Size)
(2) adjust the margins (File / Page Setup / Margins) to make use of the space available
(3) adjust the print size (File / Page Setup / Options / Staff Size).

You could also check whether you have got 'Increase note spacings for larger note durations' checked (File / Page Setup / Options)  If so, try unchecking it.


Re: page layout

Reply #2
Another way, if you happen to be making PDF files: You can "print" the PDF to a larger "page" size, then allow Acrobat Reader to auto-shrink it to fit your actual paper size, when you print to paper.

Re: page layout

Reply #3
Thanks David and Robert A.

I'll give your suggestions a whirl.