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Topic: decrescendo (Read 2221 times) previous topic - next topic


It think i have an easy solution to make a decrescendo on a whole note.I make 6 staffs with the same note (trombone).In the first staff i make an eight note with ff and then the rests, then in the second staff i make a quarter note with f and the rests, in the third staff i make a quarter and half note with mf and then the rests, in the fift staff i make a half note with mp and then the rests etc...

Re: decrescendo

Reply #1
Even easier to reduce the volume over the whole note.


Re: decrescendo

Reply #2
Or use Multipoint Controller "Expression" (Controller 11)
That way you don't interfere with Staff Volume (Controller 7).

Re: decrescendo

Reply #3
Allow me to barge in? Thanks Graham! That was what I was looking for today. I even added something to the wish list (a checkbox 'back to default settings' for mpc volume control) and I now feel quite stupid about that.
You have made our MD very happy today. bye, Rob