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Topic: Sharping Multiple Notes in Chord (Read 3631 times) previous topic - next topic

Sharping Multiple Notes in Chord

I'm about to buy this software program, but there is one thing I can't figure out if the software can do:

I can turn a single note into a sharp, and then I can add other notes to that one to make a chord, but I cannot figure out how to add second or third sharps to a chord.  Is there any way to create a chord that contains several sharps?


Re: Sharping Multiple Notes in Chord

Reply #1
Yes. Simply turn on the Sharp option using the mouse or the 9 on your keyboard, then add the notes to the chord using Ctrl+Enter (or Insert|Chord Member). If the Sharp property resets after each note that you add, then you can enable the Tools|Options|Editor|Persistent Note Tools option, which will leave your accidental and other note settings alone when you insert new notes.

Re: Sharping Multiple Notes in Chord

Reply #2
Also, if the notes are already in the chord, you must first delete them before adding the sharped version. This is quickly done using Ctrl+Backspace.

Re: Sharping Multiple Notes in Chord

Reply #3
But when I do that, it creates a new note (with the shap), a new note that is not part of the chord.  How do I merge the new note (teh one with the sharp) into the chord?

Re: Sharping Multiple Notes in Chord

Reply #4
Oh never mind -- I got it!  Just like you said.

Great program, I'm going to buy it now.  Thaks again.

Re: Sharping Multiple Notes in Chord

Reply #5
i don't get it though. help!

Re: Sharping Multiple Notes in Chord

Reply #6
Enter a note - say a G. Now instead of entering a note that will be played after that note, you want to add B and D to get a chord.

Your cursor is sitting to the right of the G.  Move it up to B, and press control and enter at the same time.  Then move up to G, and do the same.  You now have a three note chord.

Now let's say you want to play an F sharp and an F natural at the same time in that chord.  You can't because Noteworthy doesn't allow two notes at the same vertical position to be in a chord.  You have a workaround, though.  It is to enter the F natural and a G flat.

Re: Sharping Multiple Notes in Chord

Reply #7
Noteworthy doesn't allow two notes at the same vertical position to be in a chord

That's not true. You can chord a B natural with a B flat, and although it isn't displayed properly - it looks like two B flats - it does play correctly.