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Topic: Well, while I'm posting threads... (Read 9362 times) previous topic - next topic

Well, while I'm posting threads...

...I would like to ask for some opinions. Here is <a href="">a link</a> to MIDI files I have created using NWC. Anyone interested, please listen and let me know what you think.

And since I'm advertising, here is <a href="">another link</a> that has a wave file of me playing a piece on my guitar. I know, not NWC related, but like I said. Since I'm advertising why not. Opinions on it are welcome as well. Thank you.

Re: Well, while I'm posting threads...

Reply #3
...and I can't check them out, because Yahoo insists on me enabling cookies, and I don't want to - sorry!


Re: Well, while I'm posting threads...

Reply #4
Agh! How did you do that?

Re: Well, while I'm posting threads...

Reply #5
"How did you..." make the hyperlinK/

Place an exclamation point before the URL.

This forum has a help file, which tells how to do such things.

Re: Well, while I'm posting threads...

Reply #6
Well, there's a bit more to it than just putting a bang before the URL.

While in the message composition window, click on the "Hints" link. (If all else fails, read the instructions) ;-)

Re: Well, while I'm posting threads...

Reply #7
You're a high school junior taking music theory from someone who barely passed it in college?

Re: Well, while I'm posting threads...

Reply #8
I couldn't get to the music on Yahoo, either, supposedly because "my browser is not accepting cookies." I tried both Netscape 7 and IE 6 (Windows XP). But, in fact, both are set set accept cookies, unless the cookie is of an intrusive kind. Even then, my browser should alert me (rather than getting a bounce from Yahoo).

This has happened before, I am told that under certain circumstances, cookies are mis-identified, possibly because the cookie originates from a third site.

Well, I'm not going to remove my browser protection just to please Yahoo.

Chris: I mention all of this because if your music page has a counter, and if you are wondering why more people don't get to it, it's because Yahoo is intercepting some of them on the way there. It's the price you pay for the otherwise-free hosting. But some users will be able to get through, depending on how they have configured their browser.

As for the music critique offered above: They laughed at Elvis. They laughed at Led Zeppelin. They laughed at Britney Spears. For all we know, "Chris" is another blonde girl with low-cut pants who'll make more money from music than all the rest of us combined!

Re: Well, while I'm posting threads...

Reply #9
They laughed at Elvis. They laughed at Led Zeppelin. They laughed at Britney Spears. For all we know, "Chris" is another blonde girl with low-cut pants who'll make more money from music than all the rest of us combined!

Elvis and the Zepp were blonde girls? Amazing what one learns on this forum. :-p

Re: Well, while I'm posting threads...

Reply #10
... perhaps I should have phrased that more carefully.

Re: Well, while I'm posting threads...

Reply #11
For all we know, "Chris" is another blonde girl with low-cut pants who'll make more money from music than all the rest of us combined!

Someone with no talent can make MAJOR bucks if they're hot.
Just look at Avril Lavigne.

Re: Well, while I'm posting threads...

Reply #12
Yeah, just look at her -- don't listen to her...

Re: Well, while I'm posting threads...

Reply #13
I am a sophomore in high school, I took theory last year and it was a useless class, and I have only been composing about a year.

Re: Well, while I'm posting threads...

Reply #14
Not to worry, Chris. Did Bach take music theory? He certainly made it!

Re: Well, while I'm posting threads...

Reply #15
A few years ago an interviewer asked Bob Dylan what his biggest recommendation was for aspiring song-writers. He paused for a moment, and said "Learn music theory." With that, my respect for Dylan went up several quantum steps. Although he obviously had no theory training himself, he could see its value instead of just denigrating it, as seems to be the usual tack.

Sure, Bo Diddley didn't have any music theory either. But he couldn't do anything other than Bo Diddley stuff. ;-)

Re: Well, while I'm posting threads...

Reply #16
Who's Bo Diddley?


Re: Well, while I'm posting threads...

Reply #17
Bo Diddley is an American popular musician from around 1960. One or two of his recorded songs are well-known. They sound rather alike. In fact, as Fred noted, Bo Diddley could only do Bo Diddley.

Re: Well, while I'm posting threads...

Reply #18
Thanks, Robert.

I should have asked Google, but it didn't come to my mind on time.

Re: Well, while I'm posting threads...

Reply #19
Of COURSE Bach studied music theory.

Even a genius needs tools.

Re: Well, while I'm posting threads...

Reply #20
What I meant was... I believe Bach created more music theory than he studied.

Re: Well, while I'm posting threads...

Reply #21
Seeing as Bach was transitional from modality to tonality, the theory that he studied would be different from the theory that we study...

Re: Well, while I'm posting threads...

Reply #22
...Oh, I don't know about that. None of my other choir members have ever accused me of tonality.