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Topic: Grace notes added in 1.5 beta NWC (Read 13993 times) previous topic - next topic

Grace notes added in 1.5 beta NWC

I am disappointed that the grace note is not heard in playback.

In many composition the grace note is an important part of
the score and it's interpretation. Playback of the grace
lends authenticity. I can see it's usefulness in a printed
score that one would read and play on an instrument, but I
would like to hear it on playback. I find it hard to accept
that this was the most requested wish and yet it does not
playback. Is this what the requesters for a grace note
capability wanted? Print out of score only? Hmmm

Eric: Fix for final 1.5 version?

Re: Grace notes added in 1.5 beta NWC

Reply #1
Don your comment again raises the question:- What are the aims of NWC?
Is it sound reproduction or is it printed parts for performance.
I think the answer lies in the eye of the beholder.
I use NoteWorthy to produce arrangements for a dance band and it can never reproduce the swing feel I want but it can produce presentable written notation.
If I feel the chart is worth the production of a MIDI file I have to export to a package that can swing quantize the notation and then it doesn't matter how the music looks - only how it sounds.
Adding grace notes, glissandos and fall offs to a sound file can be as ugly as you like.
I vote for print out every time - my wish list grows longer and longer.

Where have you been? - We've missed your voice of reason on the forum!

Re: Grace notes added in 1.5 beta NWC

Reply #2
I, too, use Noteworthy mainly for arranging, rather than for note perfect production (but see my attempts on Looking at the user pages, I'm sure many others do too. I can get very nice output now, due to the advances made in this latest version.

I agree that I was also disappointed that grace notes didn't play, but PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE. At least I can see the way forward in future releases, and you must agree, we have seen a fairly good response from Eric and NWA in that respect.

I'm looking forward to the day when NWC will play arpeggiated chords, mordants, trills and turns AND any manner of grace notes. Maybe we're asking too much, though. How much would you be willing to pay for this ability? In the meanwhile, I must keep two versions (which I do in the one file), one for printing and one for playing (when I need it).


Re: Grace notes added in 1.5 beta NWC

Reply #3
Grace notes will support play back in the next preview release. However, there are always occasions where it may be necessary to manually construct your desired note sequences in a separate, hidden partition, in order to get the simplicity of a visual staff that can be understood by a true, live performer. NWC allows you this flexibility in cases where it is necessary.

Re: Grace notes added in 1.5 beta NWC

Reply #4
I suppose we do buy and use NWC for many reasons. I bought it to enter old folk songs and hymns, and then listen to them. I never print the scores. I want the playback and nothing but the playback.
It's great that you folks that want to print scores are happy.
When I saw grace notes added to the program, I never dreamed they would not be enabled on playback; however, in the help files for MusicTime Deluxe, it is mentioned that implementing grace notes is a *big deal*, so perhaps the playback function is hard to do.

On another subject, the new robust MIDI driver is pure gold! My old Yamaha PSR-500 never sounded so good. Andrew's Toreador will blow your socks off.

Re: Grace notes added in 1.5 beta NWC

Reply #5
I've been off line for a couple of months, when I get a chance to
down load the new stuff I'll have better comments. BUT--when grace
notes start sounding (HURRAY!), will I have the choice of whether they
have there own duration or half that? and whether they borrow time
from the preceding or following note?


Re: Grace notes added in 1.5 beta NWC

Reply #6
Hi Cyril

Grace notes borrow from the following note.

If I wrong I'm sure I'll hear about it.

Re: Grace notes added in 1.5 beta NWC

Reply #7
The next beta preview will support grace note playback, but they will always steal time from the next note (rather than the previous). If you need something fancier, you should manually notate it, constructing it from the existing note capabilities of NWC.

Re: Grace notes added in 1.5 beta NWC

Reply #8
Grace note playback practice varies with musical style
and period of the piece. I think that NWC should offer
options wrt grace note playback. Best if these options
could be stored along with the piece, so that Baroque
compositions could have grace notes played one way,
Late Romantic pieces another, etc.

Re: Grace notes added in 1.5 beta NWC

Reply #9
Grace Note:

For whatever we are about to receive may we all be truly thankfull!!

Re: Grace notes added in 1.5 beta NWC

Reply #10
As I can´t play what is printed, I will be thrilled when I can hear the grace notes playing, but if there is a chance that they will sound strange due to which ordinary note it is borrowing from, let us say Grace ;-) that there will be an on/off button, and with that I end this message in a friendly tone...

Re: Grace notes added in 1.5 beta NWC

Reply #11
As I can´t play what is printed, I will be thrilled when I can hear the grace notes playing, but if there is a chance that they will sound strange due to which ordinary note it is borrowing from, let us say Grace ;-) that there will be an on/off button, and with that I end this message in a friendly tone...

Re: Grace notes added in 1.5 beta NWC

Reply #12
I think that everybody is making too big a deal about grace notes. Now, if this thing could interpret swing, now were talking. Not to mention a competitor, but Finale will swing it for you. I don't know the in's and outs of MIDI code, but it has been done. There is hope!