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Topic: Play Wont Play (Read 8051 times) previous topic - next topic

Play Wont Play

I have been using Noteworthy for a couple of weeks. Suddenly, today, the "play" function has stopped and I can't hear sounds for any composition. My speakers are working and I can hear sounds when I use other programs, but not Noteworthy. I've re-installed the program, but the problem persists.

Any help will be appreciated.

--Walter Rimler

Re: Play Wont Play

Reply #1
A few questions (for more information).
Does your computer play other midi files okay (like with - say - mplayer.exe)?
Does NWC export midi files that are then playable by Mplayer?
Have you adjusted your midi devices recently? (Mplayer always plays to the Midi Mapper device. NWC can choose other midi devices as well)


Re: Play Wont Play

Reply #2

Thanks for your reply. I'm no computer expert (obviously), so, here's the best I can do in answering your questions.

My computer does not play other midi files when I use mplayer.exe.

I don't have any idea if NWC exports midi files that are playable by mplayer.

I don't think I have adjusted any midi divices recently. If I did, it was inadvertent. I have been trying tro find midi mapper to choose it for mplayer but don't know how.


Re: Play Wont Play

Reply #3

Hello again. I got the sound working by turning the volume up mplayer. I have no idea how it got turned down, but thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

By the way, one other problem I've been having is that when I click on the help file nothing is there. I know I have a help file because I see it listed as one of the Noteworthy files. But I can't get it to open. If you have any suggestions about that, I'd be grateful.


Re: Play Wont Play

Reply #4
Hmm. Do you see the help file in your NWC folder?
What happens if you double click on it (or is this what you meant when you say "click on the help file?",
in which case happens when you select help from the NWC help menu?
When you say "nothing is there" do you get ABSOLUTELY NO response?


PS: That's great about the volume slider. Learn something new everyday, and all that. And there's so much to learn on these "wee bisties."

Re: Play Wont Play

Reply #5

When I select help from the toolbar, I get a drop down menu that offers several choices, including contents, search for, did you know?, etc. No matter how much I click or double click, none of these opens except for 'did you know.'


Re: Play Wont Play

Reply #6
Hmmm. Can you look in the NWC folder and tell me if you see any help files?
If you using Windows 95, in Explorer, go to View (menu) | Options (selection) | View (tab) and turn on extensions for all files so that you can see the full filenames.
There should be a file called NWC.HLP which, when double clicked, should start the help.
Is it there? And what happens when you click it?


Re: Play Wont Play

Reply #7

I did as you said and didn't find any help file. I opened Windows Explorer, went to view, selected options, then view, then file types, i found a help icon and double clicked and got something about editing file type, i found the noteworthy composer song icon and double clicked but it said nothing about a help file.


Re: Play Wont Play

Reply #8
You can confirm the existence of your help file exactly as Andrew says. Open an explorer window and go to C:\Program Files\NoteWorthy Composer, assuming you installed using the defaults. You should see the following files (among others):

"NWC.EXE" This is the 16-bit program
"NWC32.EXE" This is the 32-bit program
"NWC.HLP" This is the help file
"NWC.CNT" This is the help contents file

If you do not see any of these files, then you are looking in the wrong folder. You need to look in the folder where you installed NoteWorthy Composer, wherever that might be. Generally speaking, you should never move the files once you have installed them, and should certainly never separate them, as then the program links will not work correctly.

Once you find the program files listed above, it should be a straight forward process to simply double-click the NWC help file (NWC.HLP).

Re: Play Wont Play

Reply #9
Well...I did as you said and found a file called nwc (it shows no .hlp extension when looked at in explorer, but I do see it as nwc.hlp when I look at it using WordPerfect's list files). When I double-click (or single-click) the icon (a book with a question mark) nothing happens.

If you have any other suggestions, please let me know.


Re: Play Wont Play

Reply #10
Did you do as Andrew suggested? You need to set your View options in the Explorer in order to see the file extensions. As he explained, this is done as:

- In Explorer, go to View menu, then Options
- Click the View tab
- Select "Show All files"
- Uncheck "Hide MS-DOS file extensions for file types that are registered"
- Press OK

You should now see all file extensions. You should see two important files to deal with help. These are "nwc.hlp" and "nwc.cnt", and they should appear in the same directory. If you double-click on "nwc.hlp" and nothing happens, you may have a system level problem on your computer. Can you view other Windows help files? For example, when you select "Help" on the Start menu, what happens? If this stuff does not work, your system setup is messes up, and may require a reinstall of Windows 95.