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Topic: Velocity vs. volume (Read 4309 times) previous topic - next topic

Velocity vs. volume

Within the MIDI format, is there a difference between note volume and note velocity? As far as I understand, NWC allows to change the volume of note, but not the velocity. When a file is saved as a MIDI file, and opened in for instance Cubase, the velocity can be changed, but not the volume. Since my soundcard supports velocity layers, the character of the sound changes when played softer or louder. What if I would like an instrument to be played fff but have a lower volume in the mixdown? Thanks for your help!

Re: Velocity vs. volume

Reply #1
Volume affects the perceived loudness of all events on a given channel. Velocity is specific to every note played on that channel. NWC implements velocity differences in the dynamics; e.g. a p instruction sets the velocity to 45, a ff instruction to 108, and so on.

Furthermore, dynamic instructions can be over-ridden for both velocity (modifies default velocity) and volume (adds a volume instruction on that channel).

So to get the fff timbre, but with a lower perceived volume, you can either use a volume (or expression) mpc before the note to turn it down, or else over-ride the fff instruction with a low volume.

Re: Velocity vs. volume

Reply #2
Thanks Fred.