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Topic: Tranposing from Bass Clef to Treble (Read 6660 times) previous topic - next topic

Tranposing from Bass Clef to Treble

Hello.  I need to do this by Tues., so please help ASAP.  I need to tranpose from the Bass clef to the Treble clef, using NWC.  Then,  I need to tranpose the part to an F instrument.  (The music is written in C).  How do I do this? Thank you!

Re: Tranposing from Bass Clef to Treble

Reply #1

Type in your bass part (in Bass Clef) and then using the Transpose feature, highlight the staff and select a transposition of -8 (make sure that the 'update staff play back transposition' is blank).
Once you've done that, delete the Bass clef symbol and change to Treble clef - you should now have the same notes in the Treble clef (eg: C in the second space up in Bass Clef is now on one ledger line under the stave). To transpose into F, just use the transpose feature once more and make sure that it reads +5 - you'll now be in F. To correct the key signature (if you need to) just highlight the staff and hold down Shift+F9.
If that doesn't work I'll eat my hat!

Re: Tranposing from Bass Clef to Treble

Reply #2
The problem with using the transpose feature to change clef is that you get unwanted accidentals.

When I do this kind of thing, I use the transposition tool for transpositions, but highlight and move the notes to change clef. (Make sure there's a key signature, even if you're starting in C major.) For instance, if I was transposing a cello part for French horn, I'd first change the clef by highlighting the whole staff (alt, e, a) and then moving the notes (ctrl+shift, down arrow five times). Then I'd change the bass clef to treble clef. It's now in treble clef. Then transpose (alt, t, t) and move it down 7 semitones. This assumes you want treble clef sounding in the octave as written. If you want treble clef sounding an octave lower, you'd transpose UP 5 semitones.

Re: Tranposing from Bass Clef to Treble

Reply #4
Well maybe you guys can help me too.  I have a bass clef part in C, and I'm trying to make it a treble part in C.  I've transposed treble parts to other treble parts before.  I just don't know how to change clefs.

Re: Tranposing from Bass Clef to Treble

Reply #5
See reply 3.