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Topic: pathetique (Read 4580 times) previous topic - next topic


why did the person who created beetpat1.nwc change the
bass tremolos to crotchets into the allegro di molto e con brio?

Re: pathetique

Reply #1
Simon, thanks to let us know not only the filename, but where to find it :) (here)

Well, seeing it's information section, maybe is it because Blair Dowden started to write the piece doubling the time signature, and did change it alter starting one measure too early? He had changed the first section because of 64th instead of 128th.

Just a proposal; I think Blair could answer better :)

Re: pathetique

Reply #2
Marsu is basically correct.  Noteworthy does not support 128'th notes, so I halved the time signature to get the tempo correct. I also had to break up a long measure because it would not fit across the page, thus messing up the measure numbers.

Two wishes: 128'th note support, and the ability to change measure numbers part way through a piece.


Re: pathetique

Reply #3
Could I suggest that one way to change the measure numbers would be to specify a count increment on each bar line (default 1). Zero would then mean don't count and 22 would mean I've skipped 21 bars (best used with a hidden local repeat and multi-bar rest). And negative numbers could be useful for restarting second time bars.

While we're wishing could we have the ability to change the text expression of dynamics and dynamic variances. I've just finished producing the band parts for Verdi's Four Sacred Pieces (and very complimentary the band was too about the quaility - brownie points for NWC) but the number of times I wanted to write cresc poco a poco or ppp sempre and had trouble lining up the paired  dynamic/text expressions properly was uncountable  ;-(. A facility like the tempo one would be very useful.


Re: pathetique

Reply #4
>>the ability to change measure numbers part way through a piece

This would be great, because I prefer to number measures in the traditional way when it comes to 1st & 2nd endings.  Traditionally, the first measure of the second ending has the same number as the first measure of the first ending, such as:
|:1 2 3 4 5 6¹7 8:|²7 8 9 10 11...

Sure, there's a simple workaround for parts, but not for scores.  But then again, the "simple workaround" can sometimes get a little messy, what with all that "electronic white-out" and stuff.

Re: pathetique

Reply #5
in the allegro there is no need to double the values.
the bass tremolo should be 1/8 notes shouln't it?

Re: pathetique

Reply #7
Peter Edwards wrote in

Could I suggest that one way to change the measure numbers would be to specify a count increment on each bar line (default 1). Zero would then mean don't count and 22 would mean I've skipped 21 bars (best used with a hidden local repeat and multi-bar rest). And negative numbers could be useful for restarting second time bars.

I strongly support this wish. When I have time, I will add it to the wishlist.

Re: pathetique

Reply #8
I realised why the bass of the allegro switched to 1/4 notes.  The bass must have been displayed as a tremolo (rapid alternation between two notes).  a shorthand version for 1/8 note tremolos in 4 1/4 notes is shown like beamed 1/4 notes where the beams aren't connected to the notes. These are more than likely to have been mistaken for ordinary 1/4 notes.

Re: pathetique

Reply #9
Re: reply 2

"I also had to break up a long measure because it would not fit across the page, thus messing up the measure numbers."

Did you try changing the staff size to a smaller size so you could fit more on one line?