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Topic: Transposition Steps For Orchestra, please. (Read 3123 times) previous topic - next topic

Transposition Steps For Orchestra, please.

I'd like to start off a piano piece, which I know. Can anybody list the steps up or down I have to take in order to transpose it to each instrument? I know how to come up with the music, just by comparing it with the piano music, but say I write C,D,G,E on the piano, and I come up w/ a counter melody of whatever, how do I know what to notate it as relative to the piano piece??? It's sorta hard to explain what I am trying to say, but I have come up w/ pieces that sound good on noteworthy, but I believe would sound poor on a real instrument. I'm pretty sure all instruments aren't in the same key etc...

Please help.


Re: Transposition Steps For Orchestra, please.

Reply #1
At the Scriptorium helpful files section you'll find a "Compasses" NWC file that gives the ranges of various instruments, and also Transposition Tables giving the required transpositions.
