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Topic: Bug in NWC 1.75 ? (Read 7830 times) previous topic - next topic

Bug in NWC 1.75 ?

When I highlight notes or staff and I unselect by the 0 key, Nwc returns always in quarter mode even if I was in eigth mode.

Re: Bug in NWC 1.75 ?

Reply #1
It's not a bug, it's a feature. (Really)
This was asked by some people to ensure that there is always a way to revert to standard value.
0 will clear the note accidental, tied, and dotted status parameters, go back to middle line, and reset value to quarter.
It allows to create macros to enter any kind of note, since you can always go back to a "standard" value: middle line, quarter, no specific characteristic. With this I can create a "virtual piano" with the macro recorder for use directly in NWC :)

Note: this was already the case with 1.70 version, and erlier too IIRC.


Re: Bug in NWC 1.75 ?

Reply #2
Oh, I forgot:
to not change your current settings, you should rather use the "left" or "right" arrow. It will deselect and won't move the cursor :)
I didn't know the 0 key did that too!

Re: Bug in NWC 1.75 ?

Reply #3
The 0 key resets many options to their initial values.

THis was first added as an accessibility feature for vision impaired users of NWC. The 0 key assures an initial state for all of the note entry parameters, as well as the note insert position.

Re: Bug in NWC 1.75 ?

Reply #4
I didn't know that! You learn something new every day! That's probably down to having a very old (1.55) manual. When I get my 1.75 CD and manual, I'll probably learn all sorts of new things about NWC.


Re: Bug in NWC 1.75 ?

Reply #5
Am I alone in finding the 0 key more annoying than useful? Maybe it's just fat-fingeredness, but I hit the 0 key much more often than I want to. I understand making life easier for the visually impaired, but how about the dexterity impaired? I for one would welcome a checkbox somewhere in the Options dialog to turn the 0 key off entirely.

Re: Bug in NWC 1.75 ?

Reply #6
No, I don't have a problem with that one. The one that still gets me, especially now that NWCV1.75 has a Select All facility, is my tendency to use CNTL-A to select an entire staff.

Re: Bug in NWC 1.75 ?

Reply #7
as 7 for flat, 8 for natural, 9 for sharp ?

Re: Bug in NWC 1.75 ?

Reply #8
I wish I had keys for double-sharp and double-flat.
I don't like the mouse!
Gimme keys!

Re: Bug in NWC 1.75 ?

Reply #9
On my side, thr 0 key is not a problem.
The Ctrl-D (used in some editors to go downwards) is.
Hopefully, Alt+Backspace is there :)

Re: Bug in NWC 1.75 ?

Reply #10
Another one for the wish list - configurable keyboard shortcuts. I think I've already put that one in.


Re: Bug in NWC 1.75 ?

Reply #11
Yes, I also think I already asked for configurable keyboard shortcuts, especially for natural-flat-sharp order.

Re: Bug in NWC 1.75 ?

Reply #12
>I wish I had keys for double-sharp and double-flat.

What, <Alt>-n,s,s,s,s,<Enter> isn't good enough for you?

I second the motion. Also double dots.

Re: Bug in NWC 1.75 ?

Reply #13
LOL! You're right, you end up doing a lot of typing for double-sharps. And if you type one too many s's, you have to type five more.

My suggested handling for this would be similar to the dotted/double-dotted solution, in which 9 would cycle through sharp, double-sharp, none; and 8 would cycle through flat, double-flat, none.


Re: Bug in NWC 1.75 ?

Reply #14
My suggestion would be configurable keys! Double sharps, flats and dots are things you don't tend to want very often, so adding it to the same key as the single variety would actually be more of a hindrance than a help to me. I frequently press the wrong accidental key (as someone already pointed out, natural, flat, sharp is not the most obvious order to put them in), so correcting this would involve pressing the same key twice, rather than once.
Please can we pick our own key settings (and toolbars, while we're at it - thank you kindly)!


Re: Bug in NWC 1.75 ?

Reply #15
> Please can we pick our own key settings (and toolbars, while we're at it - thank you kindly)!

I agree that configurable keys would be nice. But I'm not sure what you mean about the toolbars issue, just about anything you want (and probably quite a few things you don't want) are already included as toolbar options (in View | Toolbars... | Customize button). I reduced mine to just two toolbars, one on either vertical side of the screen, to maximize the available vertical space, and only included the buttons that I'm ever likely to use.

You can even copy your customised toolbars.dat file over to another machine, so you don't have to go through the whole procedure again.


Re: Bug in NWC 1.75 ?

Reply #16
>the dotted/double-dotted solution

Which is what, exactly? Inquiring minds want to know.

Re: Bug in NWC 1.75 ?

Reply #17
As stated in documentation (somewhere), if you place the "double-dot" icon next to the single dot in any toolbar, then pressing the "." key cycles thru not-dotted, single-dotted, double-dotted note, and not only alterning dotted/not-dotted status.

IIRC, it's as this since double-dot apparition.

Re: Bug in NWC 1.75 ?

Reply #18
Thanks. You're perfectly right. I looked for this in the Help and unaccountably didn't find it (yes, it really is there).

Re: Bug in NWC 1.75 ?

Reply #19
I’ve actually done “the dotted/double-dotted solution,”
and there are times when it is annoying —
but better than using that mouse.
Still, I would prefer a separate key.
Also, I would prefer separate keys for
the double-sharp and the double-flat
(No, I don’t want them to cycle!).
As for the toolbars, I’ve reduced mine to just two buttons
on one toolbar. My “keyless” toolbar has only the
double-sharp and the double-flat. Yup, just two little
buttons, floating free, undocked… unhampered by…
sorry… um… where was I? Ah, yes.
Those configurable keys would be SO nice.
Let’s all visit the wish list shall we?

Re: Bug in NWC 1.75 ?

Reply #20
marsu, you wrote:

>IIRC, it's as this since double-dot apparition.

I could have sworn that it was a tools preference/option that activated this, but upon looking at Noteworthy again I see that that's not the case - and it really is the positioning of the dot and double-dot toolbar icons.

Talk about obscure. :-)

Btw, your statement above was a bit unnerving in English,
since an "apparition" is a ghost. You probably wanted "appearance". :-)

- seb

Re: Bug in NWC 1.75 ?

Reply #21
Oh! I was not talking about Hamlet's father :)
Thanks for pointing me on that "faux ami" (the french word "apparition" has these two english meanings)