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Topic: MP3 to NWC (Read 4332 times) previous topic - next topic

MP3 to NWC

I have a song I would like to play in NWC. However it is on a CD that I convereted into MP3 format. Is there a way I can do this?

Re: MP3 to NWC

Reply #1
NWC does not work on MP3 files directly. The best you could do would be to convert the MP3 to a MIDI file, since this is a format that NWC understands.

The problem is that there seems to be no reliable way to convert an arbitrary MP3 file to MIDI, which is like converting an audio tape to a printed score. However, this is probably the one most frequently discussed topic on this Forum, and you'll find other opinions. The following is a *very* partial list of other threads on this subject, and a forum search will turn up many more:,,,,

Re: MP3 to NWC

Reply #2
*mublings "mp3 to mid..#123. mp3 to nwc..#124.. wave to mid.#125.." as the men carry him of in a straight jacket.

Re: MP3 to NWC

Reply #3
you should do it on old fashioned way:
1. buy better (more-complex) music notation program or
2. buy Hal Leonard's books of sheet music

You'll be satisfied

Re: MP3 to NWC

Reply #4
Good heavens, if there is a "better (more-complex) music notation program" that will convert a CD to a score, I'd sure like to know about it.

<mumbling right along with Everett as they take us to that little rubber room....>

Re: MP3 to NWC

Reply #5
Belive it or not, there is a way round this.

First convert the MP3 to a WAV file.
Then convert the Wav to MIDI.
Finally, use NWC to convert the MIDI to NWC.

Initially confusing, but understandable.

P.S. At least it's one way!


Re: MP3 to NWC

Reply #6
Practical advice:

I assume that the original question involved making music that used both NWC-generated music (via MIDI) and some existing audio, in the form of an mp3 or other file.

For example, maybe your composition is "Sonata for Pub" and you want the music to be played with the background sound of a pub, obtained from a recording.

If that's what you want do do, you can save your NWC file as MIDI, then record the MIDI to WAV using one of the methods described in Then, you could merge the resulting file with the other audio file, using any number of autdio editors.