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Topic: New front door (Read 4905 times) previous topic - next topic

New front door

May I be the first to express approval of the new entrance to the NWC website. Everything I need is right at my fingertips.


Re: New front door

Reply #1
Nice new logo, too. :)


Re: New front door

Reply #2
Do you mean the script "NW"? I don't know. It's pretty enough, but it still looks like "MW" to me.

Re: New front door

Reply #3
Did we lost a "B" before the logo then?

I like the new "glow" logo, as well as the new home page. Very clear & easy to understand.

Re: New front door

Reply #4
It does look nice, but two things I noticed: 1) The front page runs off the screen just slightly on 640 X 480 (Yeah, I know, who uses that? But I'm really into browser compatability) 2) Text links appear on the 404 page (Yeah, I guess that doesn't matter much either). Other than that, the site is fine, and I don't really care about site updates. (The old site was fine.) I just want program updates. IMHO, of course.

Re: New front door

Reply #5
OK, I promise not to make another post about these little things, but on the 404 page while browsing through the archives, the new logo is replaced by a missing graphic icon.

Re: New front door

Reply #6
I'm with you Grant - looks like MoteWorthy is here to stay.

Re: New front door

Reply #7
Thanks for the 404 error report. We shall get that fixed.

Re: New front door

Reply #8
Given Eric and Beth's renowned attention to detail, perhaps "MoteWorthy" is entirely appropriate.

Turn the logo upside down and it's an acronym for "More Walue."



Re: New front door

Reply #9
No, turning the logo upside down doesn't change a thing, (as intended I guess), as for "newman" logo design (by the inventor of the "design concept" iirc)

Using a mirror effect (bottom|up or left|right) would gives (supposingly "mw" at the start) "WM" : WantMore, as many users always thirsty of novelty.

As a song says, "the best is yet to come"... Having seen what i saw until today, what a joy it will be :)

WN is not bad either (? or "too"??) : Want Noteworthy :)

Re: New front door

Reply #10
Backwards it would mean 'Worth More' but strangely we never see it backwards because just as the logo turns edge-on a little elf flicks it over ;-)


Re: New front door

Reply #11
But as it is N and W, it would finally mean "Worthy, No?"

Re: New front door

Reply #12
The new web page is very nicely laid out. More convenient to use, and more professional in appearance. Well done, Noteworthians.

The logo? well it looks like a worm with hiccups when it's just by itself at the top of the opening page, but more like a beltbuckle when it has a circle around it.

Who cares, it is unique, it probably cost a million dollars to design, and it does bring us to our favourite website, doesn't it?

Re: New front door

Reply #13
We can only hope it didn't cost a million dollars.

I'm reminded of the story about the time NBC paid several million dollars for a new logo, and the designer came up with a big blocky two-color "N". It turned out that this was essentially the same as Nebraska Public TV's logo, which had been designed by a staffer in his spare time.

Re: New front door

Reply #14
That reminds me... at one college I know of, they used to have a logo for "re-entry students" showing the outline of a woman and child. Of course, most of the re-entry students were moms whose kids were now in school. But the feminists decided that a newer logo was needed. The winner was a design remarkably similar to the shoulder patch worn by the neo-Nazis in Pink Floyd's "The Wall" movie.