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Topic: Truncate printing (Read 3180 times) previous topic - next topic

Truncate printing

I'm using the hard line break at specific locations to cause certain measures to start on a new line. When I do that, the measures prior to that are expanded to fill the line. What I'd really like to do is have them take up their default width, so the remainder of that line is blank.

I've verified that the "Extend last system" box is not checked, and that only seems to apply to the last line.

I've used the hint of putting hidden text in the line to cause the rest of the line to be compressed. That works well enough, except the 5 lines of the staff continue to the end of the line.

What I'd really like is for that line to look like a short line, leaving the rest of it blank. So far, I've come up with the following ideas:

1) Print to a PDF file, then edit it using Acrobat.

2) Use "White-out", "Liquid Paper", or Correction tape.

3) Use a piece of blank paper to cover the empty staff.

I was kinda hoping to find some way a little less manual. Anyone have any ideas?


Re: Truncate printing

Reply #1
Short reply: There is not way that is more automatic than those.

Long reply:
Ok, the only thing I can think of is "electronic White-out". After the notes you want on that line, make a measure of white text. Make sure a least of your text fields has "preserve width" checked, and make your text as long as you need. With this method you can white out the staff with the text you put. I suggest making five text fields of ___________________ and positioning them so that they cover the lines. After all that, place a final barline, make it end the line and hide it. (Pretty bad, but it works...)

Re: Truncate printing

Reply #2
You might try creating several NWC files, each with a one-line portion of your music (use cut and paste). Then, create placeable WMFs using Print Preview: Copy. Finally, place the separate WMFs into a word processing document.

Incidentally, Acrobat (even the full version) is not really intended to be an "editor" of PDF files. But some drawing programs (such as Illustrator) do the job.

Re: Truncate printing

Reply #3
You could also create as many NWC files as needed, with each one having the last system being one that has to be short.
Just print all of them on the same sheet, using the "top" margin to print them lower and lower.

Pretty "dirty" solution too, but it works either !
(don't forget to remove page number, page title... on the not-first page)

HTH :)

Re: Truncate printing

Reply #4
Thanks all for the ideas. But they're all more work than it's worth to me. (Although, using the blank text over top intrigues me. I'll give it a try for grins'n'giggles.) I was mostly wondering if I had just missed a setting or command or something simple like that.

Bottom line is, I'm happy enough to live with the blank space. That'll be good enough for me.

Thanks again.

Re: Truncate printing

Reply #5
Sometimes white space would be preferable, but this will
at least fill up that space with blank staff lines.

End your line with a "section Close" or what ever.

Add a bar or two of rests. Highlight the rest bars, then right-click or got to properties and make the visibility "never" for those bars. Make a line break at the end of the invisible section.

Re: Truncate printing

Reply #6
I also use the “electronic white-out” method,
but I use a dingbat font, using a set of large squares.
The precise alignment is tricky (and sometimes the “Print
Preview” lies!), so sometimes I waste paper, ink,
and time :( trying to do this, but it is better than using
all of that non-virtual Wite-out [oy! the smell!]