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Topic: helo (Read 2964 times) previous topic - next topic


how to record a tune using the midi keybord ? i tried to do but the note duration is not changing - i mean you press a particular key for any duration - but the note is typed only in one either minim, crotched or the hilithed one only. need helpp to solve this.

Re: helo

Reply #1
There are two ways to enter music using a MIDI keyboard - step time and real time. It sounds like you have been using step time, which is the way I always work (being a lousy pianist!).

When you work in step time, the notes are always entered as whichever length is highlighted at the time. As you can see, the various note lengths are displayed on the menu. Just click on the one you want, and then play the notes you want on your keyboard. You have to click a new note duration every time you want to change durations. I personally find it easier to use the keyboard shortcuts for this, rather than the mouse - 1 on the number pad changes to semibreve, 2 to minim and so on.

If you're a better keyboard player than I am, you might prefer to use real time recording. I've never really used that properly, and it was I bit hit and miss when I did, but I'm sure the majority of subscribers to the forum do it this way, so someone else will be able to explain it to you.


Re: helo

Reply #3
I generally use the step method simply because it gives me neater and more predictable results. But recording isn't difficult - just kind of... odd.

First, you have to have something to play before you can record. Simple enough. I usually make a kind of metronome staff which allows me to record, and also provides a guide for the beat. If you're going to record a waltz, for example, create a blank staff (be sure to add the 3/4 time sig.) and enter three quarter notes and a bar. Now copy the notes and bar and paste enough times to complete your recording.

To record, hit F4, or click the record icon. Your metronome staff will begin to play. Just play along with it - carefully. When you're done, stop the recording (F6 or Stop) and your recorded notes will appear - in a file by themselves.

At this point, you'll have to provide any dynamics, dotted notes, slurs, etc. But if you play well enough, a good deal of the work will have been done for you.

Hope this helps,

Re: helo

Reply #4
I use the playing along method most of the time and it works well. Just remember to go to the Options -> Import tab and select the appropriate length of note and rests. Then if your timing's as wonky as mine, you will frequently get 100% accuracy.