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Topic: Trying to figure out midi import options. (Read 2477 times) previous topic - next topic

Trying to figure out midi import options.

OK, let's find out about opening (used to be importing) (downloaded) midi files. There's no help for the following boxes on the step 1 screen - notate pedal marks, insert instrument changes, detect compound time. What is the effect of checking or not checking these?

I can choose anywhere from a whole note to a 64th note for note resolution - if I import a midi file that has 64ths or 32nds, but choose quarter notes or whole notes, what effect does that have for my on-screen display and on playback when the import is complete? I still get 64th notes on the screen. I have a couple less choices for the rest resolution, but selecting whole note rest values still gets me half-rests and dotted half-rests on Night in Tunisia.

In step 2, what happens if I do or don't select map each channel to a separate staff? What's a midi channel versus a midi track? The help button isn't terribly understandable, and is meaningless to me.

Still in step 2, when I set the maximum single track chord size to 3, and import a file with a banjo staff (4 notes in many of the chords), it opens a banjo staff with 3 notes in the chords, and puts the root (1 note) in a separate staff. This would seem to contradict the help message, which I think indicates I would have 4 separate staves as long as the notes were more than 3 semitones apart. In order to split the chords, would I merely import the file, selecting the 3 semitone feature, save the file as a midi, reopen it using the 3 semitone feature, save, reopen, save and reopen, and thus get the 4 note chords separated into separate lines as effectively as the chordsplitter utility someone posted?

Now in step 3, I get a listing of the tracks and channels. I guess it's useful, but I haven't got a clue what it means except I'm probably going to get a whole bunch of staves if it lists a whole bunch of tracks. Is there a problem when/if two tracks have the same channel?

(The F1 key doesn't produce a help message in Step 3).

Any "plain language for the dummy" explanations you could provide would be helpful to many users, I think.

Re: Trying to figure out midi import options.

Reply #1
You can get a complete description from the Command Summary which is available from the "Scriptorium" a user sponsored site: NWC Scriptorium

There is also a link on the NoteWorthy home page.

On the Scriptorium home page scroll down to "Other Features" and follow the link to "Command Summary for v1.70".
The section you are interested in is Section 2 "Control and File Menus".
The file can be downloaded in pdf, postscript or MSPublisher format.

But what the heck - download the entire summary (see the "Click here for the complete pdf file" link above the table. You won't regret it.
You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read/print the file.
This can be downloaded free from

There's more useful stuff there than I can fit into a reply
If you get the summary and have trouble following the description ask here again.

Good luck!

Re: Trying to figure out midi import options.

Reply #2
>There's no help for the following boxes

There is help for these items. You can get it by either:

- Right Click method, selecting What's This
- Set focus on the item and press F1
- Use the ? in the top right of the wizard window then click on the control

Re: Trying to figure out midi import options.

Reply #3
Thank to Barry and NWC Online. Enough you've given me enough info to satisfy my question(s).