EMAIL my music to a non-nwc email person 2001-06-09 04:00 am I am downloading a separate NW Player file. Is that all I need to email, plus the file which contains my music, to allow a recipient of both emails to play the music? Does player "record" or save the file for them to play repeatedly? Are there instructions on how to play & save the music contained within Players files for the recipient to follow? Quote Selected
Re: EMAIL my music to a non-nwc email person Reply #1 – 2001-06-09 04:00 am NWP will PLAY any NWC flie on any machine, but the file cannot be changed using NWP, amd e=mailing both the player and the file may take a long time to send and receive. If you want the other person to listen to your music (without a picture of it), turn it into a midi file. Quote Selected
Re: EMAIL my music to a non-nwc email person Reply #2 – 2001-06-09 04:00 am If you send an NWC file to someone else, your recipients will need to have installed any one of the following on their computer to hear it:- Winamp and the NWC plug-in (hear it only)- NoteWorthy Player (sight and sound)- Browser Plug-in (sight, sound, and print)- NoteWorthy Composer (sight, sound, print, and edit, but costs money after 30 days)You don't need to e-mail any of these. You can just link to our site. Quote Selected