.mid to piano score 2001-06-01 04:00 AM I know this can be done, but how? I've searched,but can't seem to find out how to do this. I want to put some ragtime midis into piano music to play. Quote Selected
Re: .mid to piano score Reply #1 – 2001-06-01 04:00 AM In NoteWorthy Composer, either:1 - Use File | Open to open the .mid2 - Drag it from an Explorer window and drop it onto the NWC application window Quote Selected
Re: .mid to piano score Reply #2 – 2001-06-01 04:00 AM I am familiar with the "import wizard", but how do I get just the treble and bass clefs I need for the piano score? I've tried various things, but I keep getting too many tracks-the minimum was three. I only have two hands! I want to play the piano, not just hear the song.So far nothing is playable for me.Help! Quote Selected
Re: .mid to piano score Reply #3 – 2001-06-02 04:00 AM One possibility is that the MIDI track itself has three staffs, played by three "instruments." I have come across many instances of MIDI that do not match the written score, presumably because the altered, electronic rendition sounded better than a literal transcription of the sheet music.It may also be that notes too far above or below a particular staff are being placed on a new staff Quote Selected
Re: .mid to piano score Reply #4 – 2001-06-02 04:00 AM Or it could be that the third staff is simply the tempo track. Hard to say without more information. Quote Selected
Re: .mid to piano score Reply #5 – 2001-06-02 04:00 AM Ok, this is for all the musicians out there. This is what I'm doing. Go to:http://www.perfessorbill.com/index1.htm and then go to MIDI files. Right click any rag to download. Then drop it into NWC and see if YOU can get something decent to play. I'm sure there's a way to do it, but I just don't know how.I appreciate the time you people are taking to help me. Thanks! Quote Selected
Re: .mid to piano score Reply #6 – 2001-06-02 04:00 AM You can make only two staves if the MIDI is a type 0 file. What I always do is import it like regular and then use File|Save as... and select type 0 MIDI file. (If you want to keep the origional file, you must use a different file name.) Once you have that saved, import your new MIDI file. This time you will want to uncleck the box that says something like map each track to a new staff. This will push all the notes on one staff. Leaving the Max chord size to 18 will make to staves. Usually the notes will line up correctly on the two staves, but if you see too many ledgers below the treble cleff you will want to adust the pitch in the import for that staff so that the lowest note is about middle c, which I /think/ is C5. Need more help, just e-mail me or continue this thread. I will check both daily. Good Luck, FranMan Quote Selected
Re: .mid to piano score Reply #7 – 2001-06-03 04:00 AM I had no trouble importing many of the MIDI files at this site. In the cases I tried, there was more performance data present than just a single piano part. If you don't want the extra staves, just delete them. You can also force each track in the MIDI file to a single staff by doing the following:- Uncheck "Map each MIDI channel to a new staff"- Set "Maximum single track chord size" to 127 Quote Selected
Re: .mid to piano score Reply #8 – 2001-06-03 04:00 AM Does anyone here play ragtime? I mean, as on the piano.Setting it to 127 does help, as well as deselecting the "Map each midi to a new staff". I have fooled with the pitch settings as FranMan suggested. It is better, but still not the "boom chucks" typical of rag in the left hand. I'll keep trying.Thanks. Quote Selected