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Topic: Performance style -( brackets) (Read 2341 times) previous topic - next topic

Performance style -( brackets)

Don't know really what you would call this.

I have a phrase of notes that over top of the notes you have a group of notes in brackets...don't know really what you would call it. I have done keyboard art to explain what I'm talking about. How do you add this to your score?



Re: Performance style -( brackets)

Reply #1
This looks like a triplet. Select the three notes, then press the triplet tool, or Edit | Triplet.

Re: Performance style -( brackets)

Reply #2
A triplet that it, I knew what it was but couldn't think of what it was called....I followed your directions, edited my score....that put the triplet brackets where I wanted them. I'm a new NWC user, coming here sure does help.

