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Topic: Edit song title (Read 2917 times) previous topic - next topic

Edit song title

I want to change the title in one of my files. The Help file is almost no help at all with this sort of thing. If you don't know NoteWorthy's exact phrasing for whatever it is you want, a search is fruitless. When you finally find something that looks relevant, it is likely to be a description of what some command does. In this case, the Info command may be what I want. But what the hell is the Info command? I can't find it anywhere on the menu bar. Why can't the Help file on Info command (or any other) tell how you actually do it? And meanwhile, how do I edit a song title? I'm sure it is much easier to do this than to fund out how to do it.

Re: Edit song title

Reply #2
Page 4 is blank in my User's Guide (NWCUG152-Rev1 (c)1988)

I think what you're talking about is discussed in a note (no, the alphabetic-sequence type of note) in the "Creating a new file" section. (page 5 here).

Re: Edit song title

Reply #3
Your version is quite old. The titling and authorship is almost the first thing discussed in the current User's Guide.

Re: Edit song title

Reply #4
You are quite correct, however, that the procedure to change the info is in a note, even inthe 1.70 version.

Re: Edit song title

Reply #5
>>Your version is quite old.

True, and it's all your fault, for shipping all those upgrades free :-)

I'm using 1.7 now. (But I have convinced two other people to buy it.)