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Topic: Trills (Read 3943 times) previous topic - next topic


I need to know, how to write trills without putting in about 16 32nd notes.....please help me!!!!

Re: Trills

Reply #1
If you're looking for the visual effect of a trill, use the trill symbol available in the Boxmarks font (which you can download from the NWC Scriptorium.

If you're looking for the aural effect of a trill, there's currently no substitute for lots & lots of little notes.

If you want to combine the two, create a hidden staff to play the trill and a muted staff to display it.

I'm sure that better trill handling has been requested a number of times, but just to be sure, why not go to the wish-list page and drop your coin in the well too?

Re: Trills

Reply #2
Don't forget those magical key combos CNTL-C and CNTL-V for making those gazillion little notes. :-)

Re: Trills

Reply #3
Grace notes make for a quick and easy trill. If there are notes on other staves, they may need to be padded with grace note rests to prevent them from playing too soon.