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Topic: MPC... Please HELP!!! (Read 2649 times) previous topic - next topic

MPC... Please HELP!!!

Hi all,

I have been mucking around with NWC since 1996. Love it!

Just a few questions which has annoyed me over the years: what is a "mpc", what do you us it for, how does it improve the music?

I have tried to get my silly head around what's written about it in the "Help" files; no success though, so I now turn to your collective consciouness to help me out a little!

In appreciation, Mark

P/S. e-mail me if interested in K 466, K 467, Schone Mullerin, Beethoven Sym no:5 (NWC files)

Re: MPC... Please HELP!!!

Reply #1
I use MPC's for controlled variations in tempo and volume (you can also do pitch bends with MPC's but I haven't found occasion to do much with that).

For example, if I'm transcribing something that has a 4-measure accel. from one tempo to another, I'll insert an MPC. The change can be done at a single constant rate or broken down into several shorter contiguous changes, so you get some control over the *rate* of tempo change rather than just the beginning and ending tempos.

The use of MPC's for volume is similar, and is (afaik) the only way to achieve a crescendo or decrescendo on a held note in NWC.

Re: MPC... Please HELP!!!

Reply #2
You can do dynamic variances on held notes if you click the "Override default volume" in the variance dialog and specify the starting and ending channel volumes. E.g.:

pp(0,25) -- cresc. -- ff(0,120) gives a smooth crescendo from volume 25 to 120.

Similarly, you can use accel. and ritard. statements to smoothly change tempi without the use of mpc. The only requirement is that the starting and ending tempi be on the same staff as the tempo variance.

mpc's are, however, the only way to do pitch changes, either in steps (absolute) or smoothly (linear sweep) over the given range, as defined by the resolution setting.

Re: MPC... Please HELP!!!

Reply #3
>>You can do dynamic variances on held notes ...

Yes, I suspected there might be *some* way to do it from something someone said on the NG. But I didn't know what the way was - thanks.

>>Similarly, you can use accel. and ritard. statements to smoothly change tempi ...

But not with any control over the *rate* of tempo change unless you want to insert a bunch of intermediate tempo markings.

Re: MPC... Please HELP!!!

Reply #4
To change the "dynamics" of held notes.. you actually have to adjust the volume settings. For example.. say you play a chord for two bars.. If you set the volume at zero at the beginning and at 90 at the end, and select the "linear" box, it will do a nice, long, fade-in, a great effect.
Of course, this depends on your MIDI card too, some older cards don't support this.