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Topic: remembering options (Read 3533 times) previous topic - next topic

remembering options


I know that on page setup I can tell NWC to number the measures, but how do I get it to use this as default.

It seems that I have to go to page setup each time I want to print. This is a pain.

I want all my measures numbered, all the time.



Re: remembering options

Reply #1
Open a new file. Put in the basic settings you desire. Then save the file (whatever name you want) as a template. It should show up whenever you select "File," "New" from the menu. Hope that helps.

Re: remembering options

Reply #2

I'll try that, but I am not so sure it'll work.

Most of my files, the vast majority, are imports of MIDI files, so I am not starting off afresh.

still, thanks.

Re: remembering options

Reply #3
On the import files, just copy the staves into the "new" file that you created with the template. Standard window copy keys work fine. That is, after importing the midi, (1) drag-select a staff, (2)use control-C to copy; (3) open a new file using your template; (4) control V to paste the copied staff into an empty staff.

If in your template, you selected numbered measures, then they should be numbered.

P.S. Be sure to save the template file in the NWC template folder so it shows up.

Re: remembering options

Reply #4
But you may also use a macro (with the macro recorder. Refer to the NWC Scriptorium) if your design is always the same.
Simply record the action you make (typically, Alt,F,G, Ctrl-PgDn, Alt-L, Tab, B, Enter)


Re: remembering options

Reply #5
man, I am sick of all these add on crap - I want a complete application

Re: remembering options

Reply #6
Please give us an answer!! :)

Re: remembering options

Reply #7
Demanding an answer, without first actually asking a question, seems to be an exercise in futility.

Re: remembering options

Reply #8
hello? hello? hello?
I ask you for this and you never answer.
thank you
i will await your new first reply answer.

Re: remembering options

Reply #9
Pretty hard for anyone to answer if you just post your spam without a return address.