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Topic: Copy to .bmp (Read 12454 times) previous topic - next topic

Copy to .bmp

I recently upgraded my computer to Win95. I have also upgraded tothe new 1.31 NoteWorthy Composer. In the Win3.1 version when in print preview screen, I was able to click on "copy" and was given a dialog that saved a HUGE file to disk. On this new version, when I click on copy, a file is saved to the clipboard. The resolution of the file saved to the clipboard is very low. Lines in the staff become double width while others disappear completely. I almost want to pull out the diskette and load the old version back in. Any suggestions? Also, the help button on the print dialog says "The topic does not exist. Contact your vendor for an updated help file. (129)"

Re: Copy to .bmp

Reply #1
Quick & Dirty answer:

Try Alt plus Print Screen, then PASTE into (eg) Paintshop Pro (

Probably a better answer lurks somewhere, but better than nothing.

Also an EXCELLENT method for fault reporting - you can send your screendumps as (eg) a word document with embedded stuff!

Re: Copy to .bmp

Reply #2
Don said: <<<In the Win3.1 version when in print preview screen, I was able to click on "copy" and was given a dialog that saved a HUGE file to disk.>>> That was the bitmap, right?

<<<On this new version, when I click on copy, a file is saved to the clipboard. The resolution of the file saved to the clipboard is very low. Lines in the staff become double width while others disappear completely.>>>

Hmm. From what I've seen of how NWC works now, they dropped the save-to-bitmap from the 32 bit version. I guess NWC wanted to let the user sort it out by pasting pictures (being sets of drawing commands as opposed to a raster image) into their programs (or whatever). The nice thing about this new method of drawings is that they are scaleable. The nasty thing seems to be that if you ungroup them, they no longer work. I've tried it in both Corel Draw 4 and Word 97. Neither seem to keep the lines together properly. This hasn't bothered me too much since I don't use this method anyway.

Alex's suggestion was really cool! Didn't know that trick! (btw: have you had the cliboard viewer open and maximised and tried it?!!! ;-)

If you a copying just a small amount of stuff, try selecting it and using special copy. The usefulness of these suggestions will depend on why you are actually copying, anyway. ie what size snippets you want.

<<<Also, the help button on the print dialog says "The topic does not exist. Contact your vendor for an updated help file. (129)>>>

Let Eric know directly at



PCUG Canberra, Users Helping Users

Re: Copy to .bmp

Reply #3
The Copy command in Print Preview is different between the 16-bit and 32-bit editions. In the 16-bit program you can select between bitmap, WMF, or clipboard graphics. In the 32-bit edition, you get the clipboard format (which is essentially WMF format). The 32-bit edition has always worked this way.

By the way, the clipboard format is not a low resolution. It is, in fact, just the opposite. Unlike bitmaps, a metafile is not subject to distortion as the size changes. Unfortunately, programs do not always expand and contract the metafile in a way that avoids distortion. In these cases, the 16-bit program can be used to build the *.BMP files, provided your system has enough memory to handle it.

I hope this helps.
