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Topic: GM Instrument Patch for MIDInight Express (Read 2580 times) previous topic - next topic

GM Instrument Patch for MIDInight Express

I know that thie really has nothing to do with NWC but I figured maybe someone could help me. How do I get the instrument patch so I can use MIDInight express to make MIDI into WAVs... I have the shareware.. and it says to use the program Mellosoftron, btu that is for creating a new patch from scratch.. I don't know how... i just want the patch that corrsponds to GM Midi sounds and is in .prg format.... if anyone has any info it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
~Jaime Jordan~

Re: GM Instrument Patch for MIDInight Express

Reply #1
As it says in the Midnight Express help file, the freeware player comes only with a very basic and "brutally hacked" (their words) collection of wave sounds. The idea is to give you the player for free, then you buy their CD of the actual GM (and GS and XG for that matter) wave samples.

Re: GM Instrument Patch for MIDInight Express

Reply #2
I noticed.... well then does anyone know a way to go from MIDI to WAV for a few songs that are between 2:30 and 5:00 in length that won't cost me anything and doesn't require a lot of hoopla? ultimately I am trying to make MP3's for

Re: GM Instrument Patch for MIDInight Express

Reply #3
Well it depends on how good your sound card is. If it's acceptable, simply record the midi or nwc file while it's playing using a wav recorder (this has been discussed extensively in past threads) and then convert to mp3 using any of a number of available mpeg encoders.